After the usual longish set of a few new ideas, flashbacks, and rewrites, the final stage of preparation for this new book has finally arrived: getting the covers done for a dual ebook and color paperback publication. This one has taken a couple of decades from start to finish with plenty of twists and turns to reach completion, at least for as much as I intend to package up for the present sense of a project ready for sharing.
It’s a fairly ‘far out’ book, as I usually say, since it’s about astrology as the “foreground focus” and Astro-Meta-Psychology as the “background focus.” The astrology part is rife with astrology concepts and vocabulary, making it most suitable for intermediate students of the starry art—but also possibly valuable for anyone seriously interested in becoming one. The psychology part is an attempt to make the esoteric psychology background of ‘wisdom teaching’ orientation available as the natural context for understanding the astrology initiative thus being offered (new ‘Power Ray’ house system, planets, sign rulers, take on Precession, gender issues, etc.).
The third supportive subject area is that of Nassim Haramein’s new paradigm physics called ‘Unified Physics’, which has been such an exciting breakthrough as a ‘grand unification theory’ at the fundamental levels for all contemporary scientific investigations, particularly for those concerned with formulating a new ‘science of consciousness.’
The featured presentation for the astrology section is first the idea of a new kind of ‘soul entry time’ astrology chart to complement the traditional ‘first breath time’ chart as an update on the ‘esoteric astrology’ of Alice A. Bailey and the main initial inspiration for the book itself, that of the ‘astrologer’s astrologer,’ Hilarion and his dear companion Athena. Secondly, there is a summation of the research done on two new bodies in (and near) our solar system, called here Athena and Astraea. The former is seen as the real “Planet 9” being searched for in the local space around our inner solar system, and the latter is the brown dwarf proto-star in the near vicinity of our solar system, which, together with Athena, is responsible for the gravitational coupling that results in the Precession of the Equinoxes,” a really important phenomenon for both scientific as well as astrological/ psychological and historical/ cultural understanding.
The psychology part is a fairly modest presentation for what should be a far more expanded subject area but is offered as a preliminary context or version of the ‘perennial philosophy’ or ‘wisdom teaching tradition’ in which the astrology can be placed. Of course, there are many schools and traditions.
The Haramein Unified Physics is a particularly striking “paradigm shift” (or spin as I call it) that is also reaching its culmination as a brilliant new take of the world (universe) of fundamental physics. An attempt is made to interpret this new Quantum-Astrophysics as a way of understanding the true fundamentals of astrology as a “science of the spirit’ along the way.
It’s a fairly demanding big book that attempts to pull together advanced materials on the cultural forefront of the current era (spiritual astrology, Astro-Meta-Psychology, New Age of Aquarius, UFO/ET Disclosure, my role as a Pleiadian hybrid contactee) … and much more. Much of it is believed to be unique new material that is quite original in concept and thus challenging—but also quite satisfying–to consider for anyone on the cultural cutting edge at the quarter mark of Century 21.
This is a new menu category that may be of interest to anyone not familiar with or interested in investigating the longer book-length works that are excerpted or summarized on other menu tabs here. This first ‘UFO/AP report’ called “Cloud Climber Overhead” was very exciting for me since it was the same Pleiadian starship I photographed over Telluride, CO a couple of years ago at much greater distance than this first *daytime overflight* of my house (!) by an obvious spacecraft. The full report will be in the J&T TC 153 if it ever gets transcripted and published. I hope to go back and find some of the other sightings and photos of other notable UFO/AP encounters–the slight humor here is that our sightings are not really “unidentified” because we can always ask our “exotic visitor” contactee friends in conference who or what it was we saw (!). Sometimes it’s a surprise and sometimes it’s them (like in Cloud Climber Overhead) with a little surprise of their own.
It was during the hot part of an afternoon the first week in October, 2024, the hottest year on record in many places, and the only year I can remember when it was still in the mid-nineties after the Fall Equinox here in the Central Sierra … when a rather unusual event occurred. I was downstairs poking around the refrigerator for another glass of iced tea as I began to hear a ruckus outside caused by the local pair of ravens flying around the house, coming close to the windows; this had never really happened before. I stopped and wondered what was going on—they usually fly high and away when they have to go past the house from their nesting area at least a hundred yards to the north.
So, I went outside, and there they were, looking a bit frantic and coursing erratically in spirals just above the house. This naturally caused me to momentarily squint and look up to see if they were being pursued by the golden eagles who claim sky sovereignty in the area, something that also had not happened for some time. It was strange enough, but then I happened to notice something else up in the sky towards the northwest It was moving very fast, like a military jet, I thought, since such flights headed east from the coast are seen from time to time. But whatever this was had no vapor trail and didn’t seem very high; so, I waited and stared for another few seconds, thinking I would hear the shock wave of the jet exhaust momentarily as it continued to track rapidly across the sky from west to east on a slight diagonal towards the house.
I waited and listened intently, continuing to stare at what I was witnessing, trying to evaluate what I was clearly seeing as it appeared to get closer and possibly slightly lower in its trajectory. It was very unusual looking, first because I could not detect any features—like wings or tail empennage of any kind—which can sometimes be seen even on the high-flying military jets as they go by, spraying their ‘chem-trails.” But there would no time to get binoculars. It was merely a whitish-looking oval shape with a very bright spot towards the top left, appearing like a reflection from the Sun. I stared and wondered, still awaiting the expected sonic report, but it did not come.
I was beginning to wonder what to do since this object was moving fast and would soon be obscured by the upper story of the house from my position on the first-floor south side deck. Then the local family of four or five golden eagles (I didn’t take time to look for them all and count) suddenly appeared from over the ridge to the west and began flying around in an exaggerated way as a distraction as I continued to stare intently at the moving bogey. I felt fairly sure it could not be a military jet, because I now began to perceive a kind off faint aura around it that made it look like it was glowing. Still no sound, getting closer to the edge of the roof.
I panicked a bit as I tried to decide whether I should run under the deck to the other side of the house to be able to continue following it because it would be gone in only a few more seconds from the viewpoint where I was standing. I feared it would be gone by the time I got over past the parked trucks and out in the driveway clearing, so I finally stayed put and took one last careful look. It did appear oval-shaped and the bright spot was emanating from a solar reflection towards the top rear as would be expected from its position and the aura did appear to be more enhanced as it reached its closest location that I would probably get to see.
It’s hard to estimate how high it was or how far away since its size was unknown and was generally so featureless, but it had a very unusual look of a kind I had never seen before, even though I had seen a number of very unusual … what would now be called UAPs … in the sky over the course of my lifetime. It was probably at least a couple thousand feet in elevation and as much as a mile away. This phenomenon had an almost ‘heavenly’ look, like it was cocooned in its own little cloud moving along with it. Several of the other UFOs I had seen in earlier times were like glowing reddish patches in the sky, moving together in triangular formation—or holographic white eagle images in the sky that turned into actual flying saucers. So, the eagles were a kind of momentary flashback to those (two) times, but the big birds were only part of the background today.
It suddenly dawned on me that the only thing I had ever seen like this appeared in a photograph I took a few years ago of the snow-capped Rocky Mountains while traveling near Telluride, Colorado, and though I didn’t notice it at the time, this turned out to be a faint but distinct UFO that was later identified in our J&T Telepresence Conference dialogues as the Pleiadian starship called Cloud Climber. It was a discoid spacecraft that we had dramatically visited before in one of my wife Julie’s telepathic sessions that we have pioneered and written about extensively, which ship was also crewed by two of our very special contactee friends, Rhi and Phindar, whom we have known for almost fifteen years. We had been told the Cloud Climber is a mid-sized Pleiadian starship of about a hundred feet in diameter, which operates with a regular crew of about a dozen people. Julie had seen the Cloud Climber once before several years ago too, but then also only briefly.
Of course, these are extraordinary claims for anyone to be making in a ‘UAP experiencer’s’ report. For most sightings by individuals, what usually transpires is a very brief encounter or flash of light or something similar—if not more like imagination or ‘remote viewing’ rather than as an actual physical presence. However, today’s circumstance lasted long enough and seemed undeniably physical, certainly to me, if not necessarily to anyone else who might have been a casual witness. But this situation has come to mean even more now in the follow-up period than at the time of sighting since I do have the good fortune as an ongoing contactee along with my wife Julie—also a contactee—to be able to make inquiry via her psychic abilities with our group of “exotic visitors” to find out what this unusual sighting really was. Through our unusual situation, to put it mildly, they do have the advanced technologies to check back on our situation and analyze such unusual circumstances like this. And yes, it was actually them flying over my house during daytime, dropping their invisibility cloaking briefly for the first time. This was revealed in our next ‘Telepresence Conference 135’ held the same week, as Julie said, “They (Rhi and Phindar) smiled broadly and offered a salute …” which she thought was very amusing. Amusing, indeed!
As I have since reflected on these events of the week, having now had another very enticing and revealing physical experience with them, even if at some distance, when so many of my and our contact experiences with them have seemingly bordered on the imaginary or paranormal—or being given through “psychic channel” Julie’s extraordinary telepathic ability—notwithstanding the unusual and often charming experiences with our local birds, which our “exotic visitors” often use as intermediaries (they are still not allowed by their rules of engagement to make direct physical contact or communication with us).
But this was a very real confirmation of our amazing long-term and still ongoing contactee experiment, from the time they rousted me out of the house with the Ravens, which was yet another part of this small sideshow to uniquely confirm their physical existence to me from out of the blue … up to the time they were so greatly amused to show us it was indeed them (!) who came calling … because they happened to be in the area checking on some of the latest military developments in this region of California.
Soul-Entry Life-Purpose Astro-Meta-Psychology for a
Dualistic Creature of Two Minds from Earth to the Stars
by Ted Denmark Ph.D.
Abstract & Executive Summary
* * * *
This exploration, seen as a need for “revisioning” and then revising or updating certain techniques and interpretations of Western natal astrology and adding several other major new areas of interest in this ‘exo-planet era,’ features a new astrological timing concept called “Soul-Entry Time” (SET), based on the revelation that the incarnating soul of the “native,” the person born at a particular time and place, determines its own imprint time of commitment to the anticipated forthcoming physical life experience independently but in relation to the traditional first-breath time. This usually occurs within the half-day preceding or following the recorded first-breath moment.
The idea was originally presented to the author by a channel source entity called Hilarion (the modest ‘Master of the 5th Ray’ in earlier Theosophical wisdom teaching traditions), made familiar to him by Northern California channel Jon C. Fox a few decades back and now with continuing hosting with seer and telepathic dialog intermediary Julie Loar (wife of the author). Hilarion and consort Athena, along with numerous “exotic visitors” (ETs) as guests, suggested the initial framework for investigation and subsequent confirmation of much of the content. The famously abstruse Esoteric Astrology of Alice A. Bailey (Volume 3 of the *Treatise on the Seven Rays*) is also cited as inspiration (with guest D.K.) for additional perspectives on this wide-ranging update of fundamentals and goods available in the expanding astrology department store.
After researching the charts of a group of fifty people using techniques presented over a period of more than forty years, highly-encouraging results are presented for a strategy using Soul-Entry Time charts in parallel with their paired First-Breath charts, extending the approach of modern mainstream astrology to a two-chart style of analysis using ‘life-purpose’ oriented soul-entry astrology as the basis for a new hybrid analytical compendium being called Astro-Meta-Psychology (AMP).
An interpreted context of brain-mind neurological research is offered as a rationale for understanding why the dualistic human mentality in horizontal and vertical dimensions as well as front-to-back and side-to-side, would naturally be best characterized by a corresponding pair of astrology charts based on the two fundamental timing moments of initialization at the time of birth, rather than only the traditional first-breath chart. This then becomes the spiritual adjunct—the “missing half” of traditional astrology. A small sample group of ten biographies with chart graphics and interpretations, including those of the author, his mother and several friends, is offered in conclusion as evidence to anchor and clarify the presentation.
This new approach is related to several other issues in existing standard astrology practice, including advocacy for a new House System called “Power Ray Houses” (a new Porphyry House System variant, featuring a major logical re-interpretation of the placement of house cusps relative to the Ascendant-Midheaven axis, perhaps most satisfying to anyone aware of the ‘Gauquelin enigma’), a new planetary ruler for Virgo (Ceres), the debris of the Asteroid Belt as the remains of an ancient destroyed planet (Malona, Phaeton, etc.) and the discovery of Astraea, a nearby brown dwarf star that is gyrationally and gravitationally coupled to our main Solar System, a previously unknown and unaccounted for additional modulation of the always important and somewhat mysterious Precession of the Equinoxes (!).
Astraea, this unignited gas giant about eight times the mass of Jupiter, is an additional major factor for more accurately determining the precessional cycle, along with another new massive entrained Planet in the outer solar system (candidate for “Planet 9”) here being called Athena, which then becomes another lens through which our solar system is seen as intimately linked to the stars, particularly in the direction of Sirius, Aldebaran and the Pleiades.
As part of further investigations of Planet Athena[1] with psychic Julie Loar, it was revealed that it made its closest approach to the main solar system in December of 2011, thus (nearly) coinciding with the famous target date of the Mayan Calendar. The hunt for the celestial event correlated with the beginning of the Age of Aquarius is thus set to this date on December 21, 2011. From this a synchronization of the precession cycle, and the Hindu Yuga cycle is shown with the middle of the Kali Yuga calibrated to the year 1,000 BC, also near the middle of the Age of Aries.
This Soul-Entry timing concept is initially compared with strategies of chart rectification as well as Astro*Cartography, but using the “real” soul-selected time shift rather than a mapped-out series of time or locational shifts that typically moves luminaries and planets to cardinal positions as shown by this once-popular adjunct ‘relocation technique.’ The circumstances and expectations of providing services as an astrologer or practitioner of this modern astrology-based Astro-Meta-Psychology, is advocated and presented in some depth for anyone wishing to experiment with their own new soul-entry astrology chart profile.
It is acknowledged that the way of discovering the actual soul-entry time for a nativity involves using intuitive or psychic means such as hypnosis, or kinesthetic techniques such as dowsing or muscle testing. The author provides a short tutorial on pendulum dowsing as the most accessible way of finding one’s soul-entry time but also offers collaboration to obtain soul-entry times for interested professional astrologers or advanced students who would wish to test the idea for themselves or check their findings if they have worked through the suggested dowsing techniques.
Thus, the knowledge of an individual’s soul-entry time is seen as private, privileged information, known to the para-conscious mind of the individual, which only becomes available for use through a spiritual releasing power of higher mind—rather than mere demographic data as in the case for ordinary first-breath timed astrology. It is suggested that this is probably the most important new astrological techniques to be delineated and advocated at the beginning of the New Age of Aquarius.
Perhaps the most ambitious revisioning concept presented is that of the major stepping-stone of integrating the study and meaning of stellar energies into the typical planetary emphasis of the western Tropical Zodiac via the soul-entry concept as an alternative to the Sidereal approach of Vedic Astrology. Use of the Hilarion book Starlight Elixirs (Smulkis & Rubenfeld, 1992, now sadly out of print) is used as the primary reference text. This amazing underground classic, but still little-known ‘Star Bible,’ supplies the main approach advocated for understanding stellar energies in this now more sophisticated era of instrumented ‘exoplanet exploration,’ which relates to the appropriateness of a much wider space-time perspective generally.
This new synthesis is the final career statement of an independent scholar and practitioner, having studied philosophy, modern psychology and traditional astrology in depth, who is now reporting a number of insights and conclusions leading to needed revisions for the inevitable convergence of astrology and psychology for a genuine science of the spiritat the level of human consciousness, modified by a number of metaphysical and modern psychological concepts of the soul, going far beyond familiar earlier notions in religious or ‘perennial philosophy’ takes on human nature.
Also of some passing interest in this book primarily dedicated to refining astrology, the author makes abundant use of psychic guidance through a waking trance channel or telepathic source (Julie Loar) for a number of the fundamental insights and new horizons, both self-identifying as Pleiadian hybrids (with Earthuman mothers and Pleiadian fathers) for whom becoming astrologers on Earth would be seen as quite natural stellar vocations for them (or sub-vocations in the multi-disciplinary vocational regime expected of Pleiadian hybrids collaborators being given full at-will collaboration and guidance).
The presentation is particularly informed by discoveries related to ‘non-locality’ (and far beyond) in the fundamental scientific ‘paradigm spin’ of the revolutionary Unified Physics (‘Quantum-Astrophysics’) of the brilliant but modest Nassim Haramein—now finally in publication—the delivery of what will likely become known as the greatest breakthrough in physics and scientific endeavor relating to advancing science and human culture since Einstein or perhaps Newton.
So, the inspiration here is for a more responsive ‘Unified Human Psychology’ that includes analysis informed by a more modern ‘spiritual science of consciousness’ based on a more refined and updated astrology to go along with it. It is my hope that it is a compilation suitable for astrological adepts and/or enthusiasts as well as a possibly more sophisticated general audience—and it may be a bit more demanding for either than anticipated—but we are in a major breakthrough era that requires greater strides be taken on everyone’s part for a new approach to intellectual and cultural uplift and unification than ever before—but particularly for those on the cutting edge of advancement.
* * * * *
Our discovery of Athena came after several earlier extended discussions of dark star Astraea, which we initially thought had made its close approach to the solar system in 2012, and only later learned the perigee was that of Planet Athena. ↑
Ted’s first email to me, in response to one of my ongoing astrology articles in Atlantis Rising magazine, arrived at the end of April of 2010. This Afterword is being written in July of 2017—more than seven years later. Ted is still working on his complex home remodel and addition, an ambitious project that began quite some time before we met, and in spite of the counsel and expectations we’ve received from our trance sessions, we are still unable to be together full time.
Our first exploratory session in this ongoing adventure took place in early November of 2010, and we have now completed more than ninety telepresence conferences. The timeframe for the trance sessions in this third volume was late 2012 and into 2013. It’s challenging to look back more than four years, trying to recall the context of our experiences at that time. The overall tone of the third volume of trance sessions has a quality of sadness that profoundly mirrors my own.
During my very first unexpected encounter with Rhi (the Pleiadian from 300 years in the future) in May of 2010 she told me I was leading a double life. Without preamble, she said that when I was asleep as Julie I was awake as her on a star ship. I was completely freaked out. A dear friend, who was becoming certified in hypnotherapy, was facilitating that trance and nothing on Earth (so to speak) could have shocked me more or made me question my sanity. That prophetic session was just days before Ted and I had our first phone conversation.
When I was a child, still in elementary school, memories of nightly “dreams” of piloting star ships were vivid and well-remembered. To the amazement and confusion of my parents and local librarians, I read every sci-fi book in our library and felt like my night life was more real and meaningful than my daytime life in Columbus, Ohio. I was eleven or twelve and longed for space. Fertile seeds had been planted early in life for the awareness that would come decades later.
Since then, and as a result of our sessions, I have felt that my need for sleep since my earliest years, which my family and friends always noted, was related to what I now understand as my hybrid nature. In my 2010 trance session, Phindar, Rhi’s partner, who is Ted’s future self, was also on that ship as the lead science officer (like Spock) but I was the “captain.” I think my sense of responsibility, and the burden of “command,” bleeds through both lives. It’s a deep and complex process with intense implications in our current lives that we continue to explore.
Many of the amazing beings who join us at tables of various shapes and sizes feel like old friends–some feel like close family. But sessions #39 & 40 in this third volume, which occurred around the time of Easter of 2013, were deeply emotional. In these sessions we traveled back to Biblical times at Mount Carmel, in current day Israel, where Ted and I were Essenes at the school and temple there. We had been part of the group at the Mount Carmel school of prophets when preparations were being made for the arrival of Yeshuah (usually called Jesus in English) and Immanuel by the Pleiadians. My trance experiences had us sitting in a circle on the ground with famous Biblical characters, in the year 28 CE. Participants included Yeshuah Immanuel, Mary Magdalen (Miriam of Magdala), Mother Mary, Joseph his father, Joseph of Arimathia, the Magdalen’s father, and others from that time and that group. The session told us that how things have turned out has been a disappointment to them and much harm has been done through human frailty to an impulse that had a high and noble intention. In my trance state I received a warm hug from the Master that I will never forget.
I have been fascinated with the Essenes for many years, and I learned a great deal through the trance sessions of the famous psychic Edgar Cayce. The story Cayce told was quite different from the traditional story. Cayce predicted the discovery of what are called the Dead Sea Scrolls that were hidden in terra cotta jars in high mountain caves near Qumran in Israel. The scrolls were found by Bedouin goat herders in 1947, and their contents continue to amaze Biblical scholars. These discoveries were our first modern meeting with the Essenes who lived at Qumran where John the Baptists was one of their members.
The Essenes of Mount Carmel are still unknown to most people. Cayce described them as a community who lived by high standards of purity and cleanliness. They wore white robes of woven flax and were excellent gardeners and vintners. They were vegetarians who did not follow the lunar calendar of the temple in Jerusalem, abhorring the blood sacrifices and tribute that was required. Instead, they had a solar calendar similar to ancient Egypt and learned about the stars from Persian Magi. The Mount Carmel Essenes had a school of prophets, were said to commune with angels, and worked with Gabriel, preparing the way for the coming of the “messiah.” This is the same Gabriel who appears in accounts of other Pleiadian projects.
This experience revealed another “pearl” in a long strand of shared lives for Ted and me. Our guides and trance sources tell us that ours is a vastly old connection—a half million years. We’ve also been told we have a pattern of not being together in one place and that we committed to overcoming the pattern in this incarnation. After seven years the inertia that keeps the pattern in place appears to be as strong as ever. In the early stages I was filled with hope and had high expectations of what our writing and life together would look like in our “golden” years.
Our experiences thus far have profound meaning, but the form doesn’t match our early hopes and dreams. I have moved through layers of disappointment and grief but have come to a fragile sort of acceptance. But I have the same sense of sadness from unrealized dreams I felt from the Essenes in the trance sessions, although their disappointment runs far deeper.
Increasingly, but with satire and humor, I frame my relationship with Ted like the famous quote from Friedrich Nietzsche, “that which does not kill us makes us stronger.” I have come to believe that the karma and purpose of our relationship is not meant to make me happy, but rather to make me strong. Once sufficient healing has taken place, and the strength is integrated into my soul and psyche, perhaps the pattern will also change form.
Meanwhile, we continue to learn how far-reaching and complex the story of Earth is. What most humans think of as history is like a thimble of water from an ocean of experience. According to our guides, Earth’s story is long and ancient story and not going well at this writing. While the trance sessions continue to be profound, and I feel that our role in one Pleiadian experiment has exceeded their expectations, I still struggle mightily with my human disappointment. But regardless of the challenges and the pain, this truly remarkable journey of transformation continues to be worth the cost.
July 2017, Pagosa Springs, CO
Julie’s sketch of how Yeshua Jmmanuel looked to her in the TC Sessions
My own studies taught me to think of him as Yeheshuah, which means “to restore,” or “to save.” I learned that this name consists of five Hebrew letters unlike the four that comprise the name of Jehovah. YeHeshuah has the triple flame letter shin in the center. However, Pleiadians refer to him as Emmanuel, “god with us.”
After initial revelations of previously suspected but not well-understood circumstances of Julie and Ted’s lifelong contactee experiences in TheStar Table Trance Missions—they discovered they are Pleiadian/ Earthuman hybrids with ET fathers from Planet Erra in the Taygeta (Tai-jeta) System—they now move beyond the V. 2 adventures of Star Family Excursions towards aspects of Earthly humankind’s genesis from the region of Andromeda in this third volume of the *J&T Five Star Series*, Star World Ascension. The Andromeda Galaxy, the larger companion of our Milky Way galaxy, is found in the direction of the great yellow star Mirach, the bright Beta star in the Andromeda Constellation (the “chained woman” and future wife of Perseus mythologically, and on the Aries/ Taurus cusp astrologically). Visitors from this most distant place are hosted in this series of Telepresence Conferences in this next group of what we now call “close encounters of the 6th kind,” experienced and reported on by Julie in her superconscious hypnotic-like state of awareness. It is said that Andromedans are responsible for the intriguing Crop Circles (the authentic, accurately rendered ones at least!) that have been appearing now for 50 years, most famously in the south of England. The Andromedans, represented by regular participants Samael & Jhinda, have a somewhat less varied and conspicuous presence on Earth than the Pleiadians or Sirians, though they, too, are fairly similar as archetypal humanoids or hominids in both their galaxy and ours—as is generally true, according to them, throughout the cosmos—if always with local variations.
The period covered is that of 2012 and early 2013, the Ascension Era, before and after the much-anticipated event said here to be a galaxy-wide energy surge similar in nature to that described in the books of Paul LaViolette. Various familiar ETs (‘exotic visitors’) and first-time guests attempt to anticipate the more local consequences of this momentous galactic event for the continuing web of life on Earth. The effects were/are said to be both an immediate tachyon entrainment flash as well as a high-energy photon burst that will impinge more slowly at luminal speed in an extended way on all bodies and substances galaxy-wide over the coming aeons. So, this will not be a local event in a “small planet” venue like ours.
This third volume is not limited to circumstances of either Andromeda or the Ascension “graduation” but will be, as in our two earlier books of similar investigations, a smorgasbord of questions and answers, seemingly dreamed up by Julie and myself but also stealthily steered from the sidelines by our dear friends, the core group of guides: the Pleiadians Rhi & Phindar (our time-line doubles from the Taygeta System 330 years in the future), Semjase, Lysah & Asafah, Arcturians Ariel & Michael, and particularly Earth resident masters Hilarion & Athena,. The questions range from the mundanely personal to the vastly cosmic and various situations in between, from the merely novel and surprising to shocking and unbelievable confirmations … at first … like the machinations of secret—but very real—conspiracies set in motion by “deep state” syndicates, undisclosed rogue military blocs, and the “breakaway civilization” that emerged from the Secret Space Programs of aerospace contractors. This ‘dark cabal’ has already succeeded in taking a cohort of enlisted Earthumans into “outer space” on gravity-controlled craft based on reverse-engineered plans of crashed ET ships (like at Roswell) and breakthrough scientific discoveries that quickly became classified away from the general public—and often from the patent recipients themselves—shortly after submission. These cryptic confirmations of scenarios that appeared during the early uncensored era of the Internet (before greater compromise by commercial assimilation and bot/troll domination and censorship) will eventually become the astounding historical revelations of early Century 21 as they already are for those who have had insight, time and inclination to penetrate the amazingly effective smoke screen bashing of conspiracy theory whistle blowers.
In post-Covid hindsight, various predicted outcomes from the 2012-2017 time-slice have not fully unfolded as expected, generally having been fully disrupted or drawn out longer than anticipated, but some things have occurred that were cautiously explored in our earlier books. The “ETs and Celestial Guides” with all their foreknowledge and wisdom—which is still very impressive to us (J&T)—is yet left open to circumstances by the unknown infinite integration of decisions and shifting states of consciousness of all the many beings alive on-planet and off, a planet now savaged by weather modification warfare (HAARP atmospheric burners in the aftermath of earlier atmospheric and underground nuclear bomb tests), the giant worldwide petrochemical poison lobby (to say nothing of auto emissions—at least they got the lead out!), and many other outrages in the hands of greedy elites driven almost to madness (?) by crushing responsibilities in the siren song of wealth, power and sexual exploits, pushing edgy captive governments with aggressive arms industries towards world domination—just like in the early 20th Century—the more things change the more they stay the same.
Much of the developments in these secret wars now raging among various international oligarch and syndicate groups vis-a-vis classical sovereign governments, particularly regarding projected population control and migrations, amazingly enough, has mostly been kept secret, until now … with instant Internet communications and the disinformation smoke bombs that have been thrown in the first rounds of digital communications and code-based cyber warfare. How much longer can this clash of countervailing tyrannies hold out? That’s one big question that has been explored in several flavors, but the answer remains yet unknown—in the pages and recitations of the co-opted MSM as well as the Q&A of Star World Ascension, but things appear to be really getting stretched out of shape by the apprentice president (former fake fresident who got fired—but is back in 2024!). It’s an improbable political tragi-comedy beyond anything that could have been imagined, which ripens on a daily basis, but perhaps it is suitable for a reality TV star “mad king” bad actor intent on being the Big Monkey who throws the Big Monkey Wrench. But who knows, perhaps his role is to transform the task of the American presidential king into something different (like maybe an executive council?).
These are some of the darker reflections that will seem frightening to some readers as they were for us, but we believe it’s the unavoidable reality of the new Century 21, now closing in on its quarterly culmination with major world-historical events, as happened almost exactly 100 years ago during the previous one. We are grateful our ET friends were allowed to reveal as much to us as they did—but not too much (!)—which would have probably endangered our generally unprotected positions as “ordinary citizens” secretly in contact with possibly “hostile space aliens,” who in reality are merely concerned galactic citizens attempting to prevent worst case scenarios from being carried out, either by malicious intent or ignorant accident. The ETs, too, are faced with new challenges of how much they may wish to intervene, also necessarily clandestinely, in surface affairs on Earth, but they also have new technologies that did not exist in the time of Atlantis, the last time such a world-wide catastrophe threatened (and happened). Naturally, it is our hope the Star Councils will succeed in continuing to set the pace for a peaceful transformation so the salvation and cleanup of the home planet can begin (faster than we can imagine!).
At the same time a consistent thread of spiritual intent is evident in the attitudes shown and advice given by these extraordinary watchers and wise teachers who are here in the environs of Earth to help us gain a greater mastery of our circumstances because, although they appear to be highly-predictable, unshakable optimists, they know that many planetary civilizations in ancient times have gone beyond the point of no-return and self-destructed—like Mars and Malona, what we now call the “Asteroid Belt” in our own Solar System … or even entire solar systems (far away and long ago). In a sense they are like invisible gods behind the scenes, going to extraordinary lengths with their exo-knowledge and advanced technologies to keep many kinds of nuclear war catastrophes from happening, which would have likely already destroyed our world, had they had not been working the night shift behind the scenes. But they have evidently seen it all before and wish to do what they can—in a limited intervention mandate—to preserve equilibrium until the higher energies of the Ascension can begin to have greater effects. Even though the metaphor of “waking up” is an overused expression (“woke-ism”), they say this is perhaps still the best way to look at what is being hoped-for in the house of their dear Earthuman cousins.
Along the way Julie and I are shown some of our past life incarnations in photo-realistic visualizations—something we previously could have probably never imagined knowing, even summarily—which as usual, are immersively experienced by her and only sensed by me from high-frequency energies I can “hear” in my head but cannot decode into full multimedia experiences like her. And in a wonderful new feature, Julie presents her sketches of our now most familiar guests, but also that of Jmmanuel (Jesus) and the huge surprise that accompanies this visit with his Essene family—including Mary Magdalen—during a very “moving” time travel back to the Biblical period in TC Sessions 39 and 40. Along the way it is revealed that we (J&T) also lived during this same Essene sojourn of these biblical personages and are thus qualified to have parts of their still obscure story clarified for a modern audience through their own answers to a few of our questions. Again, as in the Star Family volume, three different ET space craft appear; the largest and most astounding in the penultimate contact, is the space-time traveling ‘Great Spacer,’ the Pleiadian planetoid starship called the Alliance with Semjase’s father, Jshwsh Commander Ptaah, appearing and hosting us … and answering still more questions. The second craft is a very large classic Pleiadian disc-shaped craft with a large dome. The last starship variation is a spherical Lyran ship whose exterior Julie does not get to see. As usual, Julie is the familiar intrepid, multifaceted, and articulate tour guide with an amazing unfolding itinerary far beyond anything anyone, including us, could have imagined. We hope it will have a sufficient ring of truth to help in the wake-up call.
August 25, 2018 [slightly amended, May 1, 2024], Dowd’s Hill at Avery, CA
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Front cover of *Star World Ascension* (e-book available by clicking on image to go to Ted Denmark Amazon Author Page)
After initial revelations in TheStar Table Trance Missions (V. 1 of the *J&T Five Star Series*) of the reason they have been lifelong UFO/ET contactees (they are Pleiadian/ Earthuman hybrids with ET fathers), Julie and Ted move from the Star Table environs in the vicinity of Aldebaran, the “Bull’s Eye” of Taurus, towards aspects of the genesis of Earthly humankind from the region of the great Central Sun Sirius in this second ‘Star Family’ volume. There was a great cosmic incident in that system around 250,000 years ago in which an anticipated nearby nova explosion required all the inhabited planets to be evacuated en-masse, which they were—just in time. The Sirians don’t want us to call this a “diaspora,” even though all their planets were severely damaged and became uninhabitable and have remained so. What happened to the Sirian refugees who migrated out into the cosmos on the great mother transport ships? They went in all directions, some coming to Earth, and their influences remain evident even today on several continents, particularly Egypt but also Peru and Tibet.
According to Julie, the Sirians appear to be a bit more advanced than the Pleiadians and more detached from the physical aspect of existence, in particular being more spiritual and less dependent on technology to achieve intended results. Julie and Ted are shown some of their past lives in the pre-nova era on Sirian planets in photo-realistic visualizations, which as usual, are immersively experienced by Julie and only sensed by Ted from high frequency energies he can “hear” but cannot decode. Some quite extraordinary figures, such as Aurelia, the planetary regent of Erra, the main Pleiadian planet in the Taygeta system, and Horem Heb from Arcturus, make appearances and interpret events that are as strange and interesting as anything that will ever be reported by us coming from these extraordinary conference personages. Three separate space craft appear in the later sessions, the last in the final contact in which a small group of negotiators from the cognizant local Galactic Council, disembark with their smart lawn furniture from what Julie calls their “Layer Cake” spacecraft for a brief, what is like a press conference, to introduce themselves and their mission: they are here to conduct a peace process with governance leadership on Earth, which has already begun. So, fasten your seat belts and get ready to be beamed up with Julie and Ted and their animal entourage for adventures beyond anything you—or they—could have ever imagined.
The first major innovation to the main text of the 2nd Edition itself is inclusion of Julie’s wonderful portrait sketches (twenty-two figures in all, done after publication of the original edition) of the major or close core-group collaborators, whose involvement in having a continuing “place at the table,” marked them for being sketched and appearing as thumbnails near the seating cartoons of each Telepresence Conference to help establish a visual link between what is said and who is saying it. It does get a bit complicated with so many new guests making one-time appearances (whom Julie did not sketch, with only one exception who only appears once in the next Volume 3, Star World Ascension).
Apart from a bit of new relevant subtext commentary on events having happened in the meantime, the other major addition for the new 2nd edition is inclusion of Appendix III, the “Longer Summaries” of all the sessions themselves (being extensions of the short introductions at the beginning of each), which was an attempt to include and characterize all the situations and main points being made without the full dialogue that actually got recorded. So, it’s a kind of executive summary of the book for anyone wanting a notion of what was said without time or inclination to read the whole book—or, if they did, who might not have understood something possibly obscure … and a certain amount will probably seem obscure or very ‘far-out’ to many readers, but for Julie and I the Q&A here is the culmination of lifetimes of interests and efforts as psychologists, astrologers and contactees to try to understand many fairly exotic circumstances of “high strangeness” that are not generally known—or are currently very controversial … even the existence of the exotic visitors themselves (!). So, in a sense I have become aware of myself as a kind ‘encyclopaedist of the future’ as a result of having become routinely involved with these extraordinary exo-planet consultants from the near and far future, working through the conferences to learn more about many things that almost no one on Earth currently understands very well. Of course many will not be able to distinguish our approach from a sci-fi novel or movie/ TV series—it takes some amount of triangulation to establish string-lines to anchor points in working through the ideas being presented, often for the first time, for anyone.
The level of the most subtle aspect of analysis and evaluation of the proceedings is that neither our moderators, Hilarion and Athena, nor our star-family participants, nor our extraordinary guests can tell us the “whole truth” about many if not most of the answers to our questions because our level of understanding is relatively limited compared to the vaster extents they are aware of, and there are certain things that are agreed upon not to be divulged by them when speaking with persons from an earlier time in the past who need to experience their own present as it unfolds in real time (complex exo-psychology!).
So, the situation here is that of a fundamentally more advanced outlook being presented to us, intended for sharing with potential readers of our time about worlds (the great exo-planet hypothesis) beyond Earth in its current historical context, much like many imaginative or creative sci-fi scenarios and adventures attempt to do, except here a sincere attempt is being made to present it in a far more realistic way—not so much as entertainment—but as an early breakthrough effort going beyond mere disclosure of their existence towards forging an integration between themselves and the more isolated people of planet Earth about the main events happening in our time.
The role these exotic visitors are already playing in our planetary life is amazing enough, but how we will eventually benefit from the uplift, possibly without ever understanding how it happened (!) will also be gratifying even in widespread ignorance—and how we might not have persevered if they had not come to help manage the affairs of the last surviving habitable planet in our distressed solar system. Of course our fate is still mostly in our own hands, and it’s still an edgy and somewhat dicey drama playing out with results they can’t fully predict even with all their advanced technologies and exo-knowledge, but they are committed to saving the Earth and its ancient life-wave during the current major transformation and don’t plan to lose the game, and they also know it could take a while … but it is another planetary emergency.
As I began to finish the major new additions, mainly Julie’s portrait sketches of the ‘regulars’ and the Longer Summaries of all the chapters in Appendix II by me, and edits for this new 2nd Edition of our Star Family book … and began to think of writing a new introduction for it, now more than “ten years after” the original sessions had been recorded as with the Star Table 2nd Edition book, I finally decided to re-read the original introduction, which I hadn’t looked at for at least 5 years or so—if only because it was so long (16½ pages in 6×9 format!). I was preparing my internal resolve to cut it back to maybe half that length, feeling a bit embarrassed to have included such a possibly over-long ponderous essay to delay and possibly confront the reader with before launching into the main chapters.
But to my pleasant surprise I found myself actively engaged with the presentation at the half way point when I got up and walked around for a short time to reflect on how time was seemingly neutralized by my feelings of identification and agreement with what I felt and had been moved to write at the time. The second half of the essay, seemingly even more dramatic than the first, also went by in a similar timeless fashion as I reached the end and wondered how all those pages could have simply melted away so quickly and seamlessly into my current stream of consciousness without any of the self-critique I had anticipated (?). The most notable aspect in having gotten through the full re-reading of the introduction after crawling over all the details during the months-long re-editing process, was how powerful the experience had been for both Julie and myself, which had not lost its savor, and how strongly the feelings still resonated about what we had been told by our … as I now say with ease … “dear friends and family.” So, I left the original introduction as it was.
In addition certain of the more controversial aspects of themes brought up in the original, possibly over-long introduction, seemed even more urgent and poignant—and even prophetic—now with the most recent outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine war, following on the still cautiously proceeding resolution with punctuated flare-ups of the world-wide Covid tragedy. Of course there is also the great disappointment of how these tragic events will delay what our conference participants had mostly been so upbeat about with us in the book—now to be appended to the earlier generation of disappointments of the first two “disaster decades” of Century 21. The only thing that was “for sure” was the serious and nostalgic loss of “normality” that everyone could feel so grievously.
What made the particular period covered by the contents of this volume of the newly rebranded *J&T Five Star Series* 2nd Edition of Volume 2 of Star Family Excursions, Sirius, dating from late 2011 to early 2012, was its coincidence with the closest approach of Astraea, the brown dwarf star aka ‘Planet Nine’ or ‘Planet X’ to our main solar system, which had been promoted so extensively in the book as what would become the greatest astrophysical discovery for Century 21 as Pluto had been for the 20th Century—or probably even more so. At the time of writing, now in late March of 2022, Astraea has still not been discovered (at least publicly, even though the geniuses of computational celestial mechanics at Cal Tech like Mike Brown already know it has to be there), but the James Webb Space Telescope, designed for searching the infra-red segment of the electromagnetic spectrum, has safely arrived in its secure Lagrange position a million miles out in space from Earth … and has been turned on and calibrated (and it works!), awaiting full research assignment duties expected by midyear. We can now feel more confident that it will be a spectacular triumph of exotic space science and engineering, both for itself and the imagery it will soon be transmitting back home as the next generation of exo-planet discoveries (!).
In the meantime the world struggles with the lengthening dark shadow of what is now mostly euphemistically referred to as “climate change,” which is wholly attributed by standard science establishment modeling to burning of fossil fuels and human exploitation of the environment (and some flatulent large herbivores), even in this period of a very “quiet sun.” Several shocks to this theory have now more fully emerged with documented discoveries that the heating process is coming, not only from atmospheric regions, but from inside the Earth itself, evidenced by unexpected increased temperatures in the deep oceans and stunning recent increases in volcanism! This is the previously missing unassessed evidence of gravitational coupling between the main solar system generally and Earth in particular—in tow with the nearest approach of the massive dark companion star (not a gas giant planet!) we have called Astraea.
Of course the role of weather modification warfare and how this has secretly proceeded unabated, as uncovered by commentators in our book, has also gone unnoticed in the standard science model in an era in which news has become routinely almost fully managed—everything contrary to controlled reporting is now referred to as “conspiracy theory” in mainstream media—and anything like the real truth that can’t be hidden in spin has been relegated to secrecy for “intelligence” use by security agencies and their secret assets. These are the latest wrinkles in the aging paranoid style of American politics increased by an order of magnitude by the double-bladed digital axe of greatly expanded creativity with the simultaneously increasing tyranny of eavesdropping software with little more left of a rationale for national identity than the simplistic goal of “freedom.” There is still a wide berth for a spectrum of alternate opinion (as long as you don’t attract too much attention), but this is a rather disturbing state of affairs in any event.
It has all become a very volatile situation in the USA with conflict between the increasingly influential West Coast hi-tech, Internet and social media platforms and lifestyles challenging the traditional government and legacy financial and commercial-based East Coast establishment. And now with the flare-up of war rumblings in Eastern Europe as the next phase of the long-smoldering Cold War turning into a hot one like a flashback to WW II with conventional weapons substituting for the deadlocked nuclear confrontation, once again pushing partisan politics into the arena of public warfare reporting to dominate the news channels and driving truth even further into the depths as censorship with the usual “patriotic” rationale. We have learned in our most recent Telepresence Conference sessions that our ET family familiars and their cohorts are shocked and disappointed at these new twists and turns on the road to a golden New Age of free energy and a negotiated world peace that have been mentioned in our pages; but as we know, they have “seen it all before” and will be on duty monitoring and looking for the next best approach for continuing support of worthy causes and innovative initiatives in any event.
But there is a substantial new-ish element in the wind as reactions of some of our BETA (Benevolent ET Alliance) crew to the events now transpiring in this multitudinous East-West conflict being seen increasingly across the world demonstrates … between the US-UK-NATO axis and the Russia-China treaty pairing in the largest frame as well as in the USA itself as noted and in the Russia-Ukraine war on a smaller if yet shockingly more explosive scale: the possible end game of nationalism itself (?). Is what could arguably have been started during say, the Hundred Years’ War between French and English late feudal monarchies which led up to more-or-less democratic European national states during the Revolutionary Romantic Era preceding the Great World War, now be seen to be flaming out—even if the Russia-Ukraine conflict will turn out to be merely the latest episode of the new Hundred Years’ Petroleum Wars? It’s too uncertain and complex to try to fathom any further here and now, but this has been hinted at several times along the way by both Hilarion and Phindar; that very little advantage remains in the longer run for continuing to maintain the nostalgic glory of “modern” nation states themselves and all their overhead of administrative measures preserving arbitrary borders, confining ethnic groups to their historical locales, controlling commercial activities particularly through fiat money exchanges, and preserving tax structures that have already escaped national boundaries, etc. Do we as yet have enough intelligent maturity as an international population to take care of ourselves riding the bicycle of economic and social survival without the trainer wheels of big brother government decree enforced by military means? I, at least for one fractured outsider observer, feel forced to take a more serious look.
Perhaps this will be the most intrusive aspect of the current secondary effect of the Internet wave on the fully international level: its unexpected solvent properties of disintermediation undermining government itself. Are we seeing the withering of the national state that can no more be reversed than the rising tides of meltwater oceans in a cycle of worldwide warming? This would appear to be the question for upcoming generations the world over—and I must say it frightened me too much even as a confirmed “high strangeness” advocate in the pre-Covid era, but as a member of a modestly privileged American elite, I find I’m beginning to prepare for at least acquiescing to the requirements of this major new inevitable generic “globalist” transformation in some sense. Of course, many will resist with kicking and screaming and god-fearing protests as we now see happening in conservative populist reaction. For my part in the short run I am just happy to be sitting here on a cold rainy day in the office of my comfortable off-grid house (with a new well, so I am at least “water wellthy” {;-) for as long as I can manage it—hope being that the whole forest around me isn’t all slated to burn down at once—watching the world wag by and hoping for the best for all who can manage to bend without breaking before the increasing storm which won’t be over for a while … but won’t last forever either.
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New 2nd ed. book covers of *Star Family Excursions* (available for purchase in paperback & e-book by clicking on image to go to Ted Denmark Amazon Author Page)
Volume 2 of the series *Exotic Visitors from the Quantum Realm: Close Encounters of the 6th Kind*
by Ted Denmark
Here is the trailblazing second volume of this new second five-volume J&T book series entitled *Exotic Visitors from the Quantum Realm*, dating from late 2016 through 2017—a dark period by any standard as witnessed and revealed from behind the scenes by our exo-family, dear exotic friends and their ET guests, even from the first Telepresence Conference 85 (!). These circumstances of darkness are cited, somewhat uncomfortably, by them in their recounting of events in an ongoing attempt to reorient us here on Earth—in whatever situation of awareness we currently happen to be in—towards the light of reason and a greater understanding of what making spiritual progress means in such troubling times, which on the surface may seem to many as very ordinary, if somewhat disappointing, or even a bit boring. The volume is dedicated to our dear future-self Pleiadians, Rhi & Phindar, who have been with us from the time of their initial discovery by us in the first volume of the *J&T Five Star Series* … as a loving tribute to them for all they have given and shown to us over the years. In some ways this volume has more involvement and dramatic revelations about Semjase, another extraordinary Pleiadian, than anyone else (but the earlier V. 4 has already been dedicated to her and her father Ptaah), but in any event this will be a belated acknowledgement of Rhi & Phindar, second in our minds only to Hilarion & Athena—to whom the first volume of the series will be dedicated when it appears next in sequence of publication. We hope at least some of what is presented in open truthfulness (though there are other moods) will make enough sense even as the first volume to be encountered of our publications, but of course starting at the beginning is always best [V. 1 The Star Table Trance Missions] … but this new material will help you pull through some of the remaining darkness into the light of understanding, and of course that you will like the presentation, too, as you make your way through this puzzling new century that is breaking out into action as it moves deeper into its major issues.
Future Self Agenda available in paperback & Kindle e-book (image linked to Ted Denmark Amazon Kindle author page)
It’s always exciting to get the first actual copies of a newly published book, and Masters of Space & Time: Pleiadian Stellar Emissaries by Julie and myself, did not disappoint when the box from Amazon arrived yesterday. The crisp rendered models of the starships on the dark sky photos on the matte texture front cover were lovely to see as well as the title text colors, the block of introductory text on the back cover (readable!), and the complementary colors on the spine, which shone like a lantern in the dark. The inside color images were mostly good as well though a few showed the various experimental efforts to make the images on screen look as good as possible when the pigments hit the page at print-on-demand time.
To recap briefly: this is the book dedicated to Semjase and Ptaah … and all the other Pleiadian operatives currently working behind the scenes on Earth to help steer the worst case scenarios back into the black as the aftermath of the demise of the Cabal or infamous Military-Industrial Complex is managed into what is hoped will be a “New Normal” … of a better kind than is usually imagined by many who are thought or believed to be “in the know” about Deep State conditions. It’s indeed a deep dive into the world views of many “exotic visitors,” as the series subtitle name suggests (as a replacement term for “ETs”), some familiar and some first-time guests at the various table sessions, continuing from the first series by ourselves (shorthand: J&T) called the *J&T Five Star Series*. If you are new to our earlier publication efforts, the beginning of the story is in the first book of the initial series, The Star Table Trance Missions, which is probably worth reading for those interested in the startup context of our unusual story.
As befitting a deep dive into the Quantum Realm, much along the way in terms of astrophysics, metaphysics and the general condition of the nature of reality, is questioned as usual by me (Ted) and given responses through Julie by the main masters of ceremony, Hilarion & Athena, our alter-ego selves Rhi & Phindar and Ariel & Michael as well as our more extended star-family regulars and the various invited guests making a one-time appearance. This book, like the ones before, is mostly a question-and-answer venture into more puzzling and unknown corners, which I still like from the early days of the Marcus Press publications with Hilarion, but this time there is quite a lot more to be seen and read: such as several of my annotated “UAPFO” (satirical mashup of UAP and UFO) photos, my long essay on Quantum Causality, the various Synchronicity Stories and, of course, running accounts of the table seating cartoons and refreshed updates of Julie’s wonderful sketches of our “dear friends and family.” The love story and the family album continue on amidst the most far-out commentaries you will probably ever encounter. But, believe me, it’s all 100% real and not just “made up,” as literary critics like to say, “… out of whole cloth.” Such literary critics have plenty of engaging work elsewhere.
The honorary tribute page dedicated to outstanding Pleiadian emissaries Semjase & Ptaah, follows the long table of contents with its hopefully useful squib summaries—they did not want me to put their names or portrait sketches on the front cover of the book as I had enthusiastically imagined in the early stages of the book preparation, but there are several conversations with them interspersed throughout the sessions that present their attitudes and requests, which I made every effort to acknowledge and follow. They are very discrete and quite modest in their public self-assessment, for reasons that may be more or less obvious, but should be more understandable after the grouped sessions in the third appendix, involving their suggested guidance of the book’s approach to describing themselves. As noted, Julie and I really have only a tentative notion of what the current lifestyle exigencies of Semjase & Ptaah really might be, but there are some clues of what the circumstances of such (let us say it) super-human beings as themselves might involve.
So, if you have an interest in all the diverse and timely—or always predictably controversial—Issues that we get into … as well as a book budget that allows purchase of a $25 quality color paperback or a more modest one allowing for a $7 Kindle e-book, please jump into the melee of our Amazon KDP publications, for striking ideas and pronouncements about Covid, climate crisis, exotic visitor affairs and especially the Pleiadian connection—it’s an awesome and beautiful book (said as well of and for our highly-esteemed guests), hot off the print-on-demand replication machines. If no such budget is available but your interest is whetted by the pitch made here, please send me a note of why you would deserve a PDF review copy (although I might ask you to write a story about who you are … and a book review to be sent back).
Masters of Space & Time available in color paperback & Kindle e-book from Amazon (click on image to go to Ted Denmark author page)