An Essay on Human Development in Response to
Acquisition of Breakthrough Knowledge
by Ted Denmark Ph.D.
Renowned French-Swiss child-developmental psychologist and epistemologist Jean Piaget left us with the final notion that whatever lies beyond his theoretical stage of “formal operations” in cognitive development for adults, would likely involve greater scientific understanding of causality. In doing so, he may have been recalling English philosopher David Hume, who famously pointed out that, not only are we unable to perceive causality per se—what really makes things happen, as we might like to imagine in anything but very familiar or trivial circumstances—but the only real evidence we have for believing what causes things to happen is repeated observations witnessed sequentially or repeatedly at relatively close range.
And so begins our schooling in the statistical reality of everyday life from the time we first throw something we don’t like off the side of our highchair during baby’s feeding time to believe we have caused it to cease to exist … which belief often continues to function into adulthood when, for example, we take out the trash and are greatly relieved to be able to throw things away and be “shut of them,” as my grandfather used to say. But, as we are persistently reminded in more recent times, there is no such final “away,” only partial solutions in a series of relocated refuse scenarios: worldwide ocean dumping obviously hasn’t been good; composted land dumping would seem more acceptable; and some form of controlled high-tech burning, as currently done in Sweden, may be a good future alternative on a wider scale, but best of all would be to not mess up or destroy a natural ecosystem to begin with as if it weren’t going to become part of a wider pattern of blowback effects we will probably eventually be forced to regret. Perhaps there is also an echo of Mark Twain here who is credited with saying, “It’s not so much the things that people don’t know that makes trouble in this world, as it is the things that people know ‘for sure’ that just ain’t so.”
So, our notion of how things work in what might be called “casual causality” gets ingrained early and remains imprinted, usually with a comfort-zone level of not needing to be rethought too often—or until we come across something quite different—like the child’s first encounter with the invisible force of magnetism, which was intriguing even for a young Einstein—but it, too, soon becomes tagged with sequential perceptions, and a more appropriate or expected understanding emerges after a bit of experimentation. And then life mostly continues on, getting more complicated with side issues, as curiosity drives us to continue to add insightful outlier experiences, or we just reach settlement in ‘terminal adulthood’, hoping to coast the rest of the way through life’s puzzling twists and turns—with occasional surprises and maybe a few shocks, resulting in the ordinary kind of punctuated slow growth that we see in abundance all around us.
Of course our scientific understanding of the nature of reality, the general field of endeavor in this ongoing enigma of coming to terms with the deeper nature of causality therein, and thus leading to a theory of knowledge, has progressed quite far even since the death of Piaget in 1980, as it had after an earlier episode of new breakthrough scientific knowledge at the beginning of the 20th Century when Planck, Einstein and their peers initiated the head-trip “small ball” playing field of Quantum Physics. Now abstract scenarios predicting what happens at increasingly smaller, larger or otherwise more inaccessible circumstances or in delayed time frames play out among well-trained groups of scientific observers with enhanced technologies of perception, and a certain amount of progress is made in various punctuated breakthroughs, or at least congratulations are offered and accepted from time to time (perennial favorites: Higgs mass particle, nuclear fusion energy production and now quantum computing). But habituation of the familiar comfort of believing things are mostly or entirely caused by close concomitants in space and time, is not limited to amusing or homely incidents; for example, the sleuthing for the next inevitable “particle” as targeted by the European Cern Laboratory in its wager for discovering the origin of the fundamental physical phenomenon of mass effect or gravity (physicists will argue that no differentiation can be made between the two) was persistently imagined as needing to be like small billiard ball protons cracking together at near light speed to produce an exotic new massive hadron particle … or something similar. The best that could be made of the great drama after ten years was that it was maybe … undecidable (for which credit was nonetheless due for ‘needed additional funded research.’). Perhaps this is the way of the Big Science of very small objects, but we also have the glorious Hubble and Webb space telescopes (!) as examples of more fruitful results on the other side of the ledger (Big Engineering triumphs regarding very far away objects?).
But what is the likely future of expecting a greater scientific understanding of causality to emerge as Piaget had hoped, “… in a way that can be distinguished from a novel?” To perhaps paraphrase: Is didactic pursuit of objective truth always going to be of greater value in gaining insight than spinning a seemingly mere imaginative story? Or was Piaget prescient and consistent as a “psi-misser” in anticipating that no such expectation of ‘realistic futurism’ would be found, say even in the sci-fi genre? Of course such fare, as interesting or at least entertaining as it often is, is also usually just a few big ideas with subsequent rearrangement of the smart lawn furniture rather than offering true insight into the nature of how our future actually comes into being from all that has gone before. But will it always be billiard-ball logic all the way down as standard big-ticket science believes or are there other possibilities?
Well, those billiard balls have now been given a new roll for a whole new role in the work of one brilliant physicist at the height of his career in alternative physics, Nassim Haramein, beginning with his pivot from modeling the terrain of existence from tentative two-dimensional planar visualizations to more realistic and computationally precise three-dimensional models, using the mathematics of closely-packed spheres à la Buckminster Fuller. It’s an extensive revisioning of the nature of reality and much too complicated to begin to expound in the short space allotted here, but suffice to say that his published work is already in the winner’s circle, having begun with accurately predicting the most precise radius of the proton yet experimentally confirmed, thus allowing a similarly accurate calculation of its mass—and then the big step: its holographic mass, equivalent to the actual/ virtual number of entangled protons in the universe and their mass! This has produced major integrative insights from the ultimately small to the universally large only barely imagined in earlier stages of tilting towards a unified physics. As this holographic mass concept has been combined with the required fractal geometry, dynamic and truly startling insights into the archetypal nature of black holes from protons to galaxies, have occurred with intermediate appearances at all levels or scales of reality, thus allowing for a true ‘Quantum Astrophysics’ to begin to emerge. It really has been a most exciting adventure in breakthrough science that I have had the privilege to appreciate from its early stages, which will transform not only science but human culture going forward in unprecedented ways, and which will also epistemologically translate into an understanding of causality in many more “higher and deeper” ways than ever before.
So, we understand how billiard balls at the familiar level of visible objects with various properties of elasticity and persistence of spherical roundness, etc. behave when whacked together, allowing for sly table-top gamers with sporting intuitions to deliver hits from the right direction and with the right amount of force to split the layout on the table, disappearing the maximum number of balls in side pockets. Thus we have our template for the primary operative phenomenon of how objects interact and produce a physical result as the basis for expectations of causality (CERN and its variants in particle physics research redux). We are all expert witnesses that this is how it works, at least for the denser levels of reality: “What you see is what you get.” But things get a lot more complicated as soon as one departs from essentially unrealistically simplistic flat two-dimensional table-top interactions like billiards and arrives at a more realistic accurately-scaled three-dimensional geodesic geometry with things spinning and happening at the speed of light (!).
The reason is that in the realm of the proton, the basis of our denser physical reality, these “things” have been fairly well understood … or so it was thought. But because of Haramein’s theoretical computational reckoning that every proton has a closely-packed interior of “Planck oscillators” or photons in which every photon is entangled with a paired matching entangled photon in every other proton in the universe, a truly vast array is potentially networked for resonant entangled effects: indeed, it’s ‘every thing’! We may have heard about butterfly wings that might affect something across the universe in so-called Chaos Theory, but this newer system gives a rationale of how and why. It is certainly a far out-idea and a big (quantum) leap forward that can only be stated as one of the key insights, even though there is a still deeper level of this phenomenon, but going into the “sub-Planck” level is yet tentative even for Haramein and would take us too far into this radical revisioning of physics (and metaphysics!) without sufficient examples shown in a more detailed presentation. Our untutored brains would barely have the capacity to even visualize the 3D geodesic geometry without good illustrations for openers in all this, but future generations of physicists will crawl all over this new theory to fully challenge such a radical departure; therefore meaningful imagery and ideation will have to suffice for now, even if this new approach feels to me just as secure as the much-heralded persistence of the proton itself (a proton has never been observed to spontaneously decompose or collapse).
Haramein’s new breakthrough model of the proton—as composed of a very, very large but precise number of very, very small closely-packed sphere-like Planck oscillators or photons thus provides a vision for entry into the deep quantum level “inside” (to use Bucky’s term) our visible reality that is one of electromagnetic energies and their unexpected levels of potentially “entangled” interactions via matched pairs from each proton and its contents to every other proton in the universe (!). This is the new Unified Physics that was anticipated by Einstein’s ambivalent “spooky action at a distance,” leading to a ‘connected world’ only barely imagined by early quantum pioneers or the highly-esteemed Einsteinian world of the operative deformed rubber sheet of space-time—but yet lacking a fully-formed account for fundamental spin dynamics and resultant quantum gravity because of a working assumption that gravity is not consequential inside the atomic nucleus.
How this extraordinary state of affairs is believed to have come about in the new Unified Physics in something like a “Big Bang” (which should probably be called a ‘Big Inflation’) is again too mind blowing to contemplate without more preparatory concepts, as noted, and with required notions of paradoxical holographic linkage in fractal dimensions across levels of archetypal black hole manifestation in space as well as the paradoxical notion that our Universe is not only happening as massively multiple time lines interacting together in real-time sequencing but is also updating simultaneously in the Eternal Now at near instantaneous speeds by (holy) ghostly neutrino-like ‘ultimatons’ moving across the universe almost instantaneously. This would be the Universal Hologram in which the middle lane of moderate traffic is that of photons traveling at the mere “speed of light,” as even the small amount of light that may be seen by an observer while all the rest is going by but remains invisible.
It’s all completely beyond provisional belief but has been worked out by Haramein and collaborators in many hundreds of equations, according to him, producing fundamental constants of physics confirmed to more than a dozen decimal places. Oh, and it explains “Dark Matter” and “Dark Energy” as definite parts of the cosmic package without improbable fudge factors (like the “Cosmological Factor” that haunted Einstein his whole career). Sounds a bit like a possible major update on the Divine Presence or “Mind of God,” which in a sense it is—but it’s Quantum Realm science and not merely inspiring feelings of old-fashioned mysticism—though if you’re of a mystical bent and also have some serviceable amount of scientific savvy, you will soon be in cognitive heaven (after you take the free online “connected physics” course in eight parts: the upgrade on Unified Physics offered by Haramein’s Resonance Science Foundation).
But getting back to what might now seem like a more simplistic notion of causality in this newly revisioned “connected universe,” we can see that much more has been enfranchised than we could have ever have previously imagined. The billiard ball hypothesis works well enough for interactions at the (mostly visible) physical level as we have seen, or at the chemical level with appropriate hydrodynamics, or even at the level of gases and plasmas, again with aerodynamics and/or ionized particles factored in, but once we get to levels of photonic interaction, which are essentially massless, “things” change into quanta of a mysterious new kind of substance: the boundless octaves of pulsing electromagnetic energy, the nature of which has kept surprising investigators even up until the present time. All of this was believed to have been reasonably well understood at the more obvious surface level after centuries of puzzling but successful theoretical and experimental advances, but now there is a new kind of conceptual warp drive that can and will take over the task of making energy dynamics even more interesting. Here we might begin to make use of the tuning fork metaphor in lieu of billiard ball analogies. The tuning fork itself is a physical object, but if one of a pair of them, having identical physical properties, is struck, the other at some distance away (except perhaps in total vacuum isolation) will also soon begin to “sympathetically” vibrate. A similar phenomenon happens in the world of electromagnetic energies as they induce or modulate resonant oscillations interactively together in space-time.
The level of energetics in this ultra-connected world with all its protons closely-packed with Planck units (photons) like quantum pomegranates somehow potentially entangled together in pairs literally linking all the protons in the Universe, makes for a new fundamental agency of causality: the phantom interplay that is generated and modifies all that happens in real instantaneous time as well as at delayed luminal speeds, from the most dense physical levels to the most infinitesimally attenuated levels … then finally impinges on consciousness itself—or is emanating from consciousness—the outside-the-box limit case that has always been “out of bounds” in earlier scientific enquiry. But to cut to where this chase leads, even beyond the decoded Haramein part so far, this final third of the vast triumvirate of being, the divine attributes of consciousness in the so-called “vacuum of space” or perhaps plenum of space-time[1] driving the energy levels and then denser physicality into existence, might more suitably be said to culminate in a newly rebranded Creation, the least understood but most effectively extended “causal” factor in the continuous creation of a Living Universe that is holding together while yet expanding at a slowly accelerating rate. It is this Universe with still unknown but likely bounded confines and with possibly finite (if very large) numbers of points of physical origin (now the known number of protons in the universe) in a virtually infinite pressure wave, itself breaking within a still vaster Multiverse that keeps the energy and physicality of the Creation “inflated” at every point.
At some point one becomes suspicious that this corresponds to what has been called in traditional theology or metaphysics, the nature of a triune deity: the Mind of God (known laws of physics), the Love of God (Dark Matter) and the Will of God (Dark Energy)—the triumvirate of an unknown Shadow Creator—but a very real substantial Creation! However we might choose to designate the concept of a Universal or Unified Totality, inasmuch as we are able to comprehend or describe such a subject/ object unification at all … is left open, depending on our individual integration of insights in various encounters, culminating in a series of cognitive stages, extending from ignorance, atheism, agnosticism, belief, accepted knowing or perhaps unification, among others—and perhaps recursively back for visits—while making our way.
The three levels of this final spiritual frontier of ‘consciousness causality’ (mind, love, will) is reflected back onto a Universe that is itself triune: the Physical, the Energetic and the Divine, the latter with as many names and instances of understanding as there are spiritual and religious traditions reaching for the ultimate limit case of unification (Universal, Ultimate, Eternal, Logoic, Source, God/Goddess, Nature, Implicate Order, etc.). It’s not so much that we would be naturally called to worship any such level of being or state of affairs but rather that we are naturally elevated and edified by comprehending its nature, extent, and astonishing complexity as well as its paradoxical elegant simplicity … producing intermediate and ultimate outcomes or effects that we can only barely imagine—but might wish to acknowledge or praise in addition to many other numinous or exalted states of mind or consciousness experienced along the way. But this experience itself appears to induce or reinforce the opening path of intuition or higher mind, now imprinted as identifying itself at a new higher level. This is probably how it has always been with the overwhelming experience of mystical insight and consequent feelings of enlightenment—the “old school” largely feeling-toned cultural legacy that now has a ‘graduate school’ stage offering detailed scientific knowledge. It was evidently a bridge too far for Piaget himself in his earlier time of this transforming scientific paradigm—but curiously he happened to be a colleague of Nassim Haramein’s father who was also a cognitive psychologist!
Returning to tracing out paths of causality in the world inhabited by intelligent human life forms like ourselves, participating in or on a lovely and stable life-supporting planet like Gaia, our dear Mother Earth, we can generally well enough understand, as already noted, the close-proximity experiences of induced causality to first confirm that we need to see how things work at the physical level(s)—if at first only for the sake of our own survival. The realm of energy levels, whose intricacies we are only now beginning to appreciate, are much less, if at all, intuitive even as we are perhaps still only slowly becoming habituated to them at marginal levels. For example, we may often wonder why our eyes see only a single octave (doubling of frequency) of “visible light” while our hearing extends between 20 and 20,000 cycles per second (some 10 or so octaves). Current scientific knowledge tells us that there seem to be a virtually infinite number of octaves of electromagnetic radiation from the least-energetic rest state of Planck oscillators to powerful gamma rays (not to mention ultra-high energy Cosmic Ray particles), that would tear our delicate DNA world apart if not for our solar system’s solar wind pressure from within its protective bubble in cosmic space and the planetary atmosphere shielding our very eyes from blinding overexposure of any ultra-high energy photons that get through that shield.
Evidently every octave of electromagnetic energy presents unique and quite unexpected phenomena—not only familiar radio waves, visible and near visible light, microwaves and X-rays, but higher octaves that may seem to be candidates for propagating psychological states of consciousness that we have only barely begun to imagine—in which our own resonant consciousness mentality also resides, embedded within the grand scope of universal consciousness at its own particular fractal level of density or dimensionality with resulting multi-interactive holographic perspectives. So, linking quantum physics with astrophysics, as Haramein’s Unified Physics does, also effectively captures the middle energetic regions, linking psychology with physics and metaphysics, also in a more tightly integrated way: this is the grand scientific hypothesis or gambit of our time—the Grand Resonance of Being—which parallels the Great Chain of Being of earlier eras.
What we call electricity or a “flow of electrons,” the mysterious fluidic charge-companions of protons beginning with their pairing together in the simple hydrogen atom, is seemingly the threshold between physical substance and the essentially massless and more perfectly resonant photonic realms. Even though no one claims to have yet seen an electron or fully knows how it exhibits both wave-like and particle-like effects (also witnessed in photons), which it may have at a particular instant—even aided by the most advanced “electron microscopes,” electricity for most modern people is merely the motive power that is released at the trip of a switch, being as well what drives the electro-chemistry of our own brains and bodies, compared to earlier eras when results were mostly achieved, using the muscle power of men and animals if not falling or boiling water and blowing wind. Einstein is credited with explaining the photoelectric effect that allows a suitably doped silicon semiconductor to produce electrons flowing directly onto an attached wire when exposed to sunlight—what we currently hope will at least partially replace the burning of so-called “fossil fuels,” perhaps itself a step paralleling cognitive advancement—setting us onto a higher position on an emerging causality scale for energy use as we begin to move beyond burning petroleum, gases or other chemicals in ‘explosion motors’ and jet turbines.
We might thus identify five discrete states, levels or densities of physical substance for purposes of composing a more inclusive or extended developmental model of types in the causality spectrum from billiard balls to the ultimately conceivable conscious will of deity[2] that can be compressed and put into a memorable graphical symbol. Solid objects come first, typically of either crystalline or amorphous structure—everything from super-light lithium to super-heavy uranium in our lives that is solid at goldilocks planetary room temperatures (including coconut oil if you happen to live in a colder climate).
Liquids are similarly ubiquitous on a water planet like ours, from seawater to olive oil, from red oxygen-charged blood to oddly metallic mercury in a thermostat, from flowing lavas to lava lamps: everything that takes the shape of its container along its fractal shoreline or in the chemistry lab sweepstakes (where things occasionally blow up, taking us to the next lower-density category). Bertrand Russel thought fluid dynamics would be one of the most difficult subject areas to ever finally understand and formulate mathematically; Nassim Haramein uses fluid dynamics routinely as model and metaphor, presumably rather than standard science’s sub-particle quark tango, but his notion of the interior structure of the Planck sub-unit has not yet been fully integrated, only the extraordinary significance of the surface to volume ratio and vice-versa, of the “black hole ” archetype, presumably illustrating his understanding of the dynamics of energy relationships at all levels (protons to cosmic black holes), rather than the current three-way split of ordinary experience, quantum electrodynamics, and very large-scale relativistic dynamics which all mutually diverge—the current bane of disassociated standard science.
Gaseous substances or aerosols are mostly well-behaved enough to have been intuitively understood since the time of Boyle’s law (mid-17th Century) and widely appreciated by life forms that breathe an openly-oxidizing atmosphere for a metabolic living. What’s really going on inside the living cell’s mitochondria under load, as for example seen in marathon runners, is equally astonishing, according to William Brown, Haramein’s main biophysics collaborator—estimates show they must be skimming vast quantities of energy from vacuum fluctuations!
Water is perhaps the most remarkable simple molecule of all, again especially for living systems like ourselves, since it has such wide-ranging roles as ice, water and vapor or steam, within range of our ordinary experience, not to mention at the hypothetical super-fluidic level of the cosmic vacuum of space-time itself. There are probably more things that use ice/ water/ vapor as a transport mechanism than we yet know, but water has turned out to be a mysteriously structured quasi-crystal, whether in the lifeblood biochemistry of a person or a planet’s surface oceans (human conversion of its vascular petroleum to aerosol hydrocarbons is yet another matter). Water vapor in the atmosphere also has wider effects than usually imagined, whether as humidity in our living rooms or rising into clouds that then condense and fall back to Earth for use as a similar lifeblood sap by magnesium-infused photosynthesizing leaves of plants.
The fourth and progressively less dense physical level of substance is that of fire or plasma, a self-sustaining ionizing “blaze,” occurring naturally in our planetary atmosphere because of the levels of oxygen present after aeons of plant photosynthesis, which is able to be controlled in simple self-sustaining enclosures such as fireplaces and stoves. Burning typically occurs as a denser base element generates expanding volumes of heated exhaust gases, something currently in transition in our rapidly changing world, which will likely be replaced initially by hydrogen combustion and then by electric motors, eventually powered directly from vacuum sources.
Electricity, the magnetic etheric fluid that can be impulsed through electric wires and various conductors and semi-conductors, is the fifth and final inflection-point substance that completes the physical level inventory, making the transition to more strictly energetic realms of more massless and formless energies. The energy of electricity is possibly a wave traveling via a field around the conducting wire rather than electrons traveling inside the wire, but this is still a part of the mystery of electricity as seemingly both particle and wave or field.
These five lower levels or densities of physical substance have been called “rays” here, even though the term may be overextended from the “Seven Rays” nomenclature, as first described in the Alice A. Bailey works for the spiritual and energy realms. It was Hilarion who suggested these five additional levels of substance density be included in this more comprehensive scheme. In any event the attributes of these five levels are shown graphically in the following illustration:
Streams of negatively-charged electrons flow through conductors, whether the micro-wires in our smart phones to produce sounds from signals in speakers or ear-buds or along the dendrites of the neural net of our inner ears, which then generate the corresponding pattern of impulses we ‘hear.’ This is the driving force in the interface between the physical world and the energy realm that marks the transition into this more ethereal realm. Electrons are not “things” in the way way protons are, existing as seeming tiny spinning vortices, compared to massive protons that exhibit physical stability, even though they are charge-balanced with them in molecular substances, easily transforming into photons and transmitting as electromagnetic wavelets under increased electrical potential in say, resistance heaters or light bulbs. Mythically, it is electricity (rather than actual water) that flows out of the Water Bearer’s urn in the Age of Aquarius icon.
With the photon we enter into the electromagnetic kingdom of light and magic with its extremely complex interactions—including superconductivity which bridges between physical and energy realms as so-called exotic substances hidden as phase states in noble metals—and the more mysterious quantum entanglement ‘tunneling’ or ‘wormhole’ phenomena, famously called “spooky action at a distance” by Einstein. This is quantum causal reality at its higher levels where what happens is auto-magically written on the ‘skein of space-time,’ (to acknowledge and extend a metaphor from the often insightful Edgar Cayce readings of an earlier era), making a modulation or reverberation echo that is carried along as it resonates throughout the local Universe, and in some sense eventually re-emerges as “blowback” from both past and future amalgamations to encounter its originator who is entangled with it (fate in the Western narrative; karma in Eastern systems). Let all having ears to hear and minds to interpret, take note (!).
One of the most interesting approaches to understanding this difference between physical substances having mass and the more subtle electromagnetic energies, can be seen in the differing way these photonic light energy bundles interact among themselves—but in a very different way than physical substances. A fascinating example is that of graphics artists who had to acquire a new strategy for using color in the digital era of “pixel versus pigment” media to make their color pallets work for presentations in the two different arenas of both computer monitor screens and printed materials. The field of graphic design has now been almost fully ‘digitalized,’ using software tools on screens (pixels), but the results are also often expected to be delivered in print editions such as books and magazines (pigments) that have to look the same or very similar. The key is that color images on pixelated screens emerging as colored light, exhibit an additive interaction while images in print—which are reflected off pages with pigments, hopefully showing the same colors—exhibit a subtractive interaction in their emergence as ambient light before reaching the eye of the beholder.
This leads to quite a few complications, not only that computer monitors need to be accurately calibrated and that media-printed pigments need to be uniformly manufactured, etc., but that the interactions between pixel primaries and pigment primaries are inherently different but are fortunately predictable. So, on computer screens when light is electrically generated in a micro-LED pixel, the separate RGB components are arranged in code so that the combined additive effect produces the right color (red plus green in pixels yields yellow while red plus green in pigments yields brown!). And at the same time interacting colored lights produce brighter resultant images while interacting colored pigments produce relatively darker ones.
Whew, this can get very complicated for designers and printers (who must also use black ink in a four-color theory) to produce what the monitor viewer sees. The ordinary media consumer can discriminate between billions of shades of color with accompanying levels of brightness, but the most significant interpretation of this interesting and unexpected color phenomenon for its value in our physical/ metaphysical causality theme regarding the interplay of mass and energy, is that light behaves very differently when interacting with light of other electromagnetic wavelengths, compared to how its effects play out in reflecting off various physical substances. At higher energy levels (lasers, X-rays and microwaves, etc.) this difference can become quite dramatic—be careful what you put in a microwave oven!
It is also probably worth lingering over the situation in computer and smart-phone ‘screenland’ for a bit longer since most modern people now routinely spend such large amounts of time there, and so many tasks and jobs, even entire careers and lifestyles, have become operationally digital with most activities happening online before reaching completion or monetization as has happened in the illustration with graphics artists. As noted, in general the fundamental contents in the intuitive if somewhat simplistic statistical reckoning for understanding and assigning cause, is that of repeated witnessing of sequenced events at close range—like on cascading flat screen images rather than in full 4D physical reality as was the case in all preceding eras. When we live primarily in an online world of accommodating to “how digital images work” on screen with keyboard and mouse interaction, our sense of real world causality and expectations are bound to be effected (and affected since face-to-face people skills do also seem to shift, if not suffer at times, as well; but we will never give up texting in any event!).
As a further example, entry-level engineering students, who formerly were quite familiar with using real tools of various kinds upon taking up course studies at university, are now often mostly familiar with learning software or locating pictures of the correct utensils and work strategies, but tend to think of their “real” work as mostly navigating to those images and the software tools associated with them. So causality tropes get transferred from physicality to algorithmics as the primary agency, as seen routinely and repetitively in screenland. Then, code rules, and remote hacks are seen to trump real world engagement. For the generations who had physical experiences with mechanical devices ‘before computing’ (BC), the screenland environment became a helpful adjunct, and things perhaps worked out well enough, but for upcoming generations who will only have the pushbutton world of screenland for guidance, things will be, and already are, quite different—the “look and feel” of how things actually work gets replaced with a vast collection of images and navigation strategies—pictures or videos managed for various purposes often with hidden or subliminal strategies. In a sense it’s television ‘all over again’ but is probably more effective because now done with even more immersive interactive dynamics.
Of course the judgment call is whether an appropriate balance can be achieved in various tasks with this more slanted mix of abstract skills over concrete experiences. In America the gamble was made during the offshoring era in the late 20th Century that industrialization could be replaced with computing and economic development with ‘financialization’: the verdict is still out but the time for second thoughts has arrived. Of course it’s possible that this shift to virtuality is an aspect of accommodating to higher worlds of perception and abstraction (Piaget formal operations) rather than its disjunctive opposite. In addition, involvement with people at remote locations via screenland turns out to also have different consequences than physical presence, so elements of causality that have always been experienced in personal relations, if only invisibly or silently, are now felt to be lacking over time, whether in Zoom classrooms or dating apps. It shows that experiencing engagement with others at close range is highly significant even if voice contact can suffice in somewhat lesser ways (entanglement?), but image or text substitutes only suffice in more limited ways, even if they are felt to be better than full isolation in various quarters (“lonely crowd,” etc.).
With at least some of this in mind let us take the plunge directly into the more controversial psychological and/or metaphysical arenas, now including ourselves as self-conscious entities existing in an extended ‘real world’—what standard science always left out, at least until the quantum era. Perhaps we would all essentially agree or know that there is a physical personality self, sensitive and responsive to the sensory realm of things that can be seen, heard or touched in the usual everyday sense, which operates in a way that absorbs and reduces (subtraction) the multidimensional world it interprets (seeing only one octave in an indefinite number). It does so simultaneously while—and here’s the more controversial part—being linked or entangled with an at least hypothetical parallel non-physical or supersensory self, propagating via the medium of light “on its own level,” which operates in a way that accumulates and increases awareness (addition) in a parallel manner—seemingly the way a “light body” would naturally function. As multi-dualistic beings with bilateral physical body symmetry, we are the summation of awareness in multiple dualities simultaneously; it is a rather amazing performance of which we are routinely capable, if on declining levels as we age or experience sickness, but often don’t realize its significance until the real-time integration stops working so effortlessly.
What such a parallel light-body self-awareness, as companion to the physical-body self-consciousness, might be called has varied a good deal historically in human cultures, even though typically paradoxical and controversial because not universally experienced. It has mostly been “seen” or described as being of a higher nature—if a light-body self can be admitted in any degree at all: witness the behaviorist, transhumanist, and various other materialist-reductionist schools and belief systems of today—and even most traditional Buddhist schools (but not all) that seemingly do not pedagogically acknowledge a self per se, much less a ‘higher self’! These beliefs compete for popular as well as scientific legitimacy (and mostly dominate scientific discourse) just as many idealist and religious traditions did favoring acknowledgment of a metaphysical “soul” in historical times, at least in the Western tradition. A compromised form of philosophical or religious idealism continues to survive yet today in most western countries, if only in polite rhetoric or in more co-opted ways than formerly, often in the political crossfire between democracy and centrally-controlled governance systems. The beliefs and opinions of people on this issue often naturally change or flip back and forth at various stages of life as mature individuality is gained (or fails to manifest).
Of course, we don’t yet have a sufficient scientific understanding of what such an energy body would consist of, even as a hypothetical construct, and the false ‘reifications of abstractions’ or outright superstitions are well-known pitfalls in the metaphysical belief systems of any era. So we have to be careful and likely content for now with referencing appealing imagery (my favorite is that of Theosophy in which the soul is said to be like a “Divine Spark of Cosmic Fire.”) Whatever this energy or light-body, traditionally called the soul, may eventually be discovered or understood to be in ongoing future scientific research (if confirmation reaches a more widely accepted public threshold), it would be expected to be found in the bridge between light-energy substances and the higher spiritual realms that we can begin to assume or imagine … or which we can actually entertain the thought that we have now encountered as the solution to the greatest enigma in contemporary physics.
As often heard, spirituality is said to be about “attaining enlightenment” as expressed in such luminal metaphors as ‘finding inner light’, ‘constructing the rainbow bridge’, ‘following light on the path’, or even in just using the term ‘deluxe’ to indicate light as a higher level of quality, etc. Everyone has their own personal sense of all this as we have all grown up with attitudes and beliefs that seem to explain life in the most suitable way as we flourish (or merely survive) in childhood and attain mindful adulthood, at least in certain ways. The notion of a spiritual ideal or goal in life comes to mean a lot more to some people than to others—this is possibly the most interesting area of investigation in the kind of advanced idealist cognitive psychology that is being outlined in advocacy here. So, meaningfulness begins to attain significance as a causal driver at this juncture, even though there are many detours along the way. And in a sense the goal of life is thus to attain maturity so that sufficient experience with seeking and/or finding a more inclusive meaningfulness can lead to breakthroughs in which we notice the universe’s interactive nature with us in the same or similar ways through a host of insights, linguistic locutions, intuitions, dreams, synchronicities and deductions that finally converge and become mutually supportive (additive) … or not, as opportunities in the individual case may occur.
Regarding the often-heard synchronicity term, the coinage by Carl Jung in his attempt to comprehend unusual or often seemingly impossible instances of seemingly unrelated simultaneous events that were nonetheless, felt to be quite meaningful, was defined by him as an “acausal connecting principle,” seemingly suggesting that synchronicity is not causal … but something else—just what he wasn’t sure but thought astrology was a good example of it. Even though Jung collaborated with the well-known Austrian quantum physicist Wolfgang Pauli, he doesn’t appear to have made a noted connection with quantum entanglement as a potential candidate to explain synchronicity … as an extended kind of psychological causality. This latter insight would appear more likely to be the case almost a century later as this exotic linkage has now been explored so much further, and if anything, would seem closer to the mark. Of course synchronicity does satisfy the close proximity condition that mostly characterizes causality of the ordinary sort, just in an unfamiliar way—until it begins to happen to oneself a lot and becomes familiar like so many other things (albeit a new arrow in the quiver!). This general view is called by Haramein & collaborators a “non-local realism” in a recent summary (that will be quoted at length with citation below). As for astrology, it is probably too complex to effectively discuss here, but almost surely fits as being both synchronistic (acausal?) and causal in various ways.
Feelings of devotion or attitudes of faith and belief often emerge in earlier stages of personality development in a supportive healthy environment as well so that a sense of confidence and personal wellbeing in phased stages of growth can lead to physical and emotional stability, thus allowing mental comprehension to simultaneously progress from “concrete to abstract operations” as developmental stages in the widely-taught cognitive system of Piaget. This idealized natural progression is summarized here even though delays and detours of various kinds are likely, but benefits of achievement do become motivating factors for increased focus in various ways as interests are anchored in studies leading to intellectual or artistic differentiation and immediacy of intuitive confidence. This would invoke stages of “additive light” in the current context of energy-field interactions in which our lives are increasingly drawn forward by the momentum of episodes of increasing brightness and interactivity that, for as much as we currently realize, could represent the operative environment of the many higher octaves of the electromagnetic spectrum that correlate with powers of mind and intuition (and various psi or psychic phenomena like telepathy, teleportation, bi-locational awareness, etc., even though some such experiences may be essentially spiritual in nature (alas, or imaginary without real content). Finding or expressing meaning, dignity or authenticity, or indeed ‘powers of mind,’ are often cited by people of diverse backgrounds as major goals in life, often connoting spirituality in a modern guise (elusive to evaluate but necessarily including some degree of ethical awareness).
On the extreme edge of implication or speculation suitable for a future science of exo-psychology, this would be seen as part of the inheritance of the maturing human being’s enhanced awareness as well as perhaps the impacts of experiences from past and possibly future lives or even as interactions with cultures on exo-planets now being discovered—via quantum entanglement or related holographic links—a most radical scientific paradigm shift to be sure, but one that I believe has recently been scientifically shown to be real for a number of experiencers in the UFO/AP/ET community (!). The evidence is that various developments following upon the recent discoveries of exo-planets have already made exo-studies, particularly exo-psychology, a field in preparation for encountering this new reality and those who inhabit some of these faraway places who have found their way to appearing in our solar system. Of course it’s going to have a powerful impact with long and complex consequences—this new Copernican Revolution—of which this presentation is intended to be offered as an exercise for such a cultural revisioning … if only in imagination or theory.
In relation to the model that is being used in interpreting this staged growth process (which will be named and shown in greater outline below), the ‘middle energy module’ has four levels (like the preceding physical stage had five levels): 1- sufficient health and well-being of physiological/ psychological integration, leading to greater confidence and a sense that the universe is a supportive rather than a threatening presence, which is organized to cultivate life-forms rather than being arrayed against them; 2- a somewhat longish educative or learning process in which logical thinking leads to training and understanding of how mostly visible things work; 4- and is followed by a final stage of sharply accelerated awareness of seeing, feeling or understanding deeper levels of relationships that are more abstract and much less obvious—or not obvious or visible at all, and perhaps may even seem quite unlikely or strange initially—which emerge into consciousness in various ways, sometimes very unusual ways, that require more dedicated and concentrated problem-solving methods or abstract interpretations using images or imagery, dreams, visions, unlikely but meaningful coincidences (synchronicities), etc. Piaget himself thought this developmental process came to a final resting place in the quest for scientific knowledge (that could be distinguished from mere imagination), or perhaps the final resting—or restless place—of la condition humaine, with only greater levels of scientific knowledge to be anticipated on the part of a few advanced, intelligent or courageous astronaut-like pioneers appearing randomly in human populations—rather than as a normal developmental sequence eventually for all people, who nonetheless tend to choose to progress at a rate they are comfortable with.
But for those who are yet a bit more sanguine, there is indeed a third and perhaps final region of development beyond Piaget’s “formal operations” or abstract reasoning—that of the nature of consciousness, whatever mysterious existence it may be “in itself,” whose essence or extent lies beyond both the regions of physicality and energetics in the highest/ deepest realms of our amazingly intricate Universe. To bring out an association mentioned earlier, one of the most radical demonstrations of exotic energy group phenomena was that of quantum entanglement, as first posited but continually questioned by Einstein, which is now known or believed to be real with a very high level of confidence by a majority of theoretical physicists, even if disguised by more familiar metaphors such as “tunneling,” “micro wormholes” and the like. Of course there are no quantum worms making space-time tunnels (might be good enough for science fiction, but who knows, really?), and it is still a mystery how large the bundles of micro-wormholes need to become for effective entanglement, but recently (2022) entanglement (we might need a better term–quantoption (like co-opted) is the best coinage that comes to mind) has been demonstrated for physical objects and not merely energetic phenomena or interactive electrons.
The experimental test beds that have yielded these results are quite exotic and still in early stages themselves, as to what actually confers or constitutes entanglement, and it is also getting mixed up with ‘quantum computing.’ So, it will be a while before a scientific hypothesis will entertain thoughts that entanglement might occur often or routinely at psychological levels as well, perhaps even in everyday phenomena like say, photography (for example: do personal photos allow entanglement-like linkages with viewers as many traditional people seem to instinctively believe?). It is my personal experience, at least, that pictures of say, Mount Shasta in California or Pagosa Peak in Colorado, deliver a remarkably similar if only a bit less powerful energy signature (like hearing sustained very high frequencies) as the real mountains when viewed at close proximity. Perhaps such “extended hearing,” as I have, or having feelings connoting quantum entanglement will be a new (or recovered) sensory skill of future Earthumans.
But the somewhat justifiably cautious approach of standard science, the careful doubting instinct of Cartesian materialists wielding Occam’s razor knife, who have slowly been forced to admit such unexpected and daunting phenomenon as quantum entanglement (magnetism redux with truly extensive “lines of force”) in spite of their habit of avoiding or denying anything that might seem insufficiently deductive or which might be enthusiastically entertained by religionists, nonetheless have mostly advanced to realize that interpreting the quantum conundrum requires a new approach. However, more advanced scientists have long since progressed beyond the more limited “scientific methods” of earlier generations, which can often be indistinguishable from a fading party-line ideology held by currently influential figures. Such figures supporting earlier paradigms tend to maintain their influential positions beyond their time, but at a certain point (paradigm shift) can no longer be allowed to dictate status for theory of knowledge as rigorous experimental results, not to mention more advanced intuitive personal experiences now emerging on a wider scale, show the value of ancient spiritual traditions that were already in possession of deeper truths in deeper areas of human experience. The great mystics, the shamanic seers, dedicated teachers, preachers and saints and sages of all ages have reported awareness or contact of some kind with a “superluminal” or spiritual level of reality that they have called by many names, and lived as though their lives were permanently enhanced by such experiences. They weren’t all wrong or crazy, even though there have always been ‘true believers’ who have pushed themselves into extreme borderline positions based on various kinds of false beliefs that were marginal, misunderstood or actually delusional. But it all has to be resorted with the advent of at least every new century.
Today we are greatly privileged to have scientists of the highest order whose offerings are made on the principle of expanded truth about the grand dilemma of the seemingly impossible task of understanding the nature of the vast astrophysical or cosmological reality that must be integrated with the enigma of the quantum reality. Nassim Haramein comes to mind again in this regard because he will perhaps make one of the most dramatic contributions to the theory of knowledge going forward, but there have been many others—including Einstein, whose work the equally modest Haramein has also amended and re-interpreted in impressive new ways.
As has been widely publicized in recent times the most glaring dilemma for standard science is that of finding that our known visible universe constitutes only just over five percent of the existence of the full complement of mass that is believed must exist for what is observed to be happening with super-novae and the like: this is the odd circumstance of “Dark Matter” and “Dark Energy” as encountered and first interpreted by physicist Verra Ruben. Dark Matter is what is seemingly holding the universe together in some way akin to gravity, and Dark Energy is believed to be the driving force of expansion in the universe like some unimaginably powerful force … and at an accelerating rate, as has been confirmed. This circumstance has reached quite uncomfortable levels for professional standard-science physicists and has left apologists offering various bizarre ideas to cover the strange deficit. The Haramein explanation, which is an astonishing achievement that has thus far only been communicated by him provisionally, but is awaiting imminent formal publication with, in his words, a thousand equations and all major physical constants recalculated with accuracy to more than a dozen decimal places! This will surely make an unprecedented impact not only on the scientific establishment—after the usual amount of denial that really revolutionary paradigm shifts can always be expected to provoke—unlike anything since the Newton or Einstein or ancient Greek philosophers and scientists like Democritus and Aristotle. It will also almost immediately extend into the many parallel worlds of human cultural understanding that were never particularly encouraged by standard science’s materialistic random entropic survivalist universe of the fittest in which life is hard—or even hedonistic—and then in finality, you die.
Thus a new epistemology for an updated philosophy of science is greatly needed to interpret this extended understanding of causality based upon greatly expanded scientific principles that will likely make for rapid advances for coming eras not only in the hard billiard-ball and energy-manipulation sciences with their engineered strategies. All the heretofore derivative “softer” social sciences with psychological or sociological bases for understanding human growth and achievement issues will no longer need to feel they must be imitative of the conclusions of their admittedly very successful materialistic forbears. The completion of a realistic human psychology having a higher self-awareness in conjunction with its tentative validation of the spiritual quest and the crucial nature of such human developmental concepts as compassion, love, aspiration and conscience, will draw us closer to understanding our personal link to “consciousness itself.” Like Pogo’s discovery: It’s real and it’s us!
So, in sympathy with what has come before in western cultural history, and with appropriate modifications, this new revitalized model for the full nature of reality will likely stand the test for transformation of the misplaced concreteness of Particle Physics into the connectedness of Quantum Astrophysics in this place where we may make the big quantum leap: Dark Matter will emerge as the “Love of God” and Dark Energy, the “Will of God,” authorizing or embedding us in an inclusive regime of growth at every point and in every instant for all living beings in the Universe. The third aspect of the Universal Trinity is then the “Mind of God” as perhaps seen in the “laws of physics” (mathematical equations) which has led to the Creation of All that Exists in the worlds of energy and physical substance. Science and theology will have merged to become a new Science of the Spirit (!) as has been the dream of many great souls along the pathway of deep personal discovery in many contexts of knowing and striving for greater human attainment.
Those in the spiritual traditions no longer have to doubt or torture themselves with seeking determination whether their faith or belief is strong enough to qualify them for the fruits of their commitment; only genuine knowledge of truth is a strong enough power of mind to release doubt and turn the intention towards acceptance or union with the deep program of knowledge and love-wisdom growth driven by Universal Consciousness. But of course we must always acknowledge the need for allowing free choice in these matters as we create our future based on greater agreement about what we know, how we discovered it and how it liberates us for true advancement in both personal growth and social awareness—this is the way real evolution itself works in the higher mind spaces of the human kingdom (and probably all the others as well).
And there are indeed many relevant aspects for progressing this causality theme beyond billiard balls and tuning forks of various kinds and sizes that have been featured in understanding physical or visible “things” from the large to the very small. The fourfold ‘energy sector’ does not have billiard balls or need tuning forks but rather a very long and winding spectrum of energy fields which we have some understanding of—at least at the less energetic long wavelength end, but very little is known about the shortest wavelengths beyond gamma rays. It remains to be understood, but it might be worth a wager to suggest that it thus may be the place where the psychology or mind-space of all creatures big and small, including those of us at the human level—perhaps especially us—has its characteristic ‘mind field,’ as the destination of this search for a self or soul.
Again, the discussion is vastly beyond the scope of the modest space that can be allotted here in outline, but the upper area of this energy realm is likely the range of ‘human hearts and minds,’ including Piaget’s formal operations somewhere in the middle. It’s a bit awkward to leave the argument without acknowledging more detailed evidence but this all really does mesh in a number of very interesting ways with metaphysical traditions and presentations of esoteric studies on the subject that in itself can extend into a lifetime of study and implementation in the search for where truth leads us.
As a further illustration of the centrality of the base entanglement of photons and higher congeries of substance, the new connectivity in the Haramein Unified Physics, a brief explanation of his theory of memory offers a perspective on the radical new kind of causality we are anticipating here, going far beyond billiard balls on a table or vertical pin-ball machines or various computer simulations, tuning-fork imagery, etc. The idea is that our conscious experiences (unconscious, too?) are literally written upon the encoding medium of a hidden ether-like space-time substance as a holographic stream at the time we have them, as we move along quite rapidly in the very complex motions our journey through the galaxy is taking us on, and with which we remain entangled as we go. At least this is how our consciousness of long-term memory might work, according to Haramein: thus it never runs out of storage space which is “out there” in this ‘motion memory cloud,’ and it never sleeps, even though our brains must continue to function at a minimal level of neuronal patterning in order for the link with all our previous experiences thus encoded as memories to be maintained and strategically recalled from the database of cognitively-linked neuronal pointers or nets, similar to mass memory in computers. It’s tempting to think that this large reservoir or network of entangled experiences is or becomes the energetic body of the soul or becomes incorporated (additive nature of light) into such a ‘soul body.’ Such a soul would be the spiritual element linked in various other ways with the ‘Universal Mind’ and other divine attributes (Love and Will) as described in metaphysical teachings with all the continuities of karma distributed over a sequence of multiple lives, etc. Again, this would be a really big paradigm shift, or relating to the Haramein revolution: ‘paradigm spin’ … spin: at all its levels leading to quantum gravity, one of the most obvious major physical factors that he believes has not been sufficiently understood and appreciated, even in the post-Einstein General Relativity theory.
Perhaps a suitable longer quotation from Haramein and collaborators, including William Brown, whose bio-physical interpretations are often so keenly relevant on this causality theme, is finally in order as revealed in their most recent online publication (January, 2023):
As explained in the article by Lee Smolin, entitled Space: The Final Illusion, there is good evidence that the violations of causality needed to explain the nonlocality brought on by quantum entanglement will emerge with the quantum theory of gravity … This would replace the existent statistical treatment provided by the standard quantum mechanics, by a complete and exact description of what goes on in every individual quantum process based on influences traveling arbitrarily faster than light. This fact dismantles the principle of relativistic causality, as well as our intuitive notions of local influence. From such point of view, locality, and space itself emerge from averaging over fundamental processes involving a diversity of individual events that will disorder locality, having most influences locally because most of the time, causally related events will end up close to each other in the emergent phenomena we call space. But there will be many causally related pairs of events that will end up far from each other and thus disordering space and locality. In most QM models (except for the Copenhagen interpretation) particles are real, they just interact nonlocally—a nonlocal realism—via a multiply-connected spacetime geometry.[3]
This stance on the ‘entanglement/ non-locality’ issue will be a lot to try to comprehend for anyone encountering it for the first time, but if it does resonate, perhaps after a bit more investigation, certain more familiar attitudes such as simplistic reductionist belief systems will likely be seen to qualify less as credible assessments of the nature of reality (not only “Flat Earth anyone?” but also “Random meaningless dead—or soon-to-be-so—world anyone?”) and will likely begin to fade for all but the most nostalgic or heavily-invested contrarians. It would also be anticipated that many savvy epistemological graduates, upon assimilating this discovery, not unlike a new Copernican Revolution, will soon move up to take positions of ‘higher and deeper’ comprehension across wider regions and subject areas of their lives. Awakening to an inner level of integrated knowledge is a good enough first approximation to describe this feeling or status of knowing rather than merely accepting less persuasive stances offered by other varieties of religion, science or cultural heritage having established credentials but perhaps with increasingly vague or tentative ideas, uncompromising or assertive dogmas, or all-or-nothing break-through Nirvana-like experiences or New Age “Activations” … but lacking in fundamental breakthroughs of intellectual understanding to induce extended participation.
It will probably take longer than optimistically expected to merge and integrate such knowledge and realizations of self-awareness, before observing notable changes of behavior, in self or others, but this new paradigm of truth for understanding how our personal choices lead to results, more or less delayed, that remain linked to those choices, in a universe that is so imminently like us but on both larger and smaller scales, will be clear enough so that even children will be able to participate by entertaining insights into the nature of reality they will be uncovering as their curiosities are reinforced, moving towards maturity.
Perhaps only such a wider-ranging phenomenon of—to rely on an already somewhat overused metaphor—awakening to direct awareness of such knowledge will be sufficient to pull our seemingly stalled collective human cultural air-frame out of its increasing loss of momentum in the still early Century 21. But after two ‘disaster decades’ so far completed, as reminiscent of the darkest days of the bad old early 20th Century as our planetary population has now reached eight billion with the last billion being added in only eleven years, we would be negligent not to feel very concerned! If the current crisis centered in Ukraine can be averted by rational means without greater worldwide turmoil similar to that of one hundred years ago, it will have to be “just in time,” which seems to be the mode of our endangered planet at its scariest moments of ‘punctuated r/evolution.’
Someday we may also understand more of the ‘exotic visitors from the quantum realm’ themselves (they don’t like to be called “Extra-Terrestrials”) who have now come to our aid with additional behind-the-scenes guidance and constraints, attempting to salvage our growth process as a planetary civilization capable of achieving higher levels of stable growth in our (and their!) galactic neighborhood and transitioning from a tantalizing hope of UFO/ET disclosure to real contact and collaboration with them—but the question is: will it be enough in time to avert major disasters (?). We have now discovered more than 5,000 exo-planets—of which numbers of Goldilocks planets in the high double digits, have now been hypothesized; thirty years ago none were known to exist (!). At least we’re making some clear progress in space science to accompany the attested fundamental breakthroughs in theoretical physics cited here …
As a tentative conclusion, then, we can finally summarize our model as providing five levels of physical matter, four zones or stages of resonant energy, and a final set of three aspects of spiritual source from ultimate ethers that gave birth to and continue to sustain the Creation—our Universe from Zero-point energies of neutrinos, or ‘ultimatons’ and the like, as described by Hilarion in an earlier publication (Marcus Books, Einstein Doesn’t Work Here Anymore), through the wide spectrum of photons and finally to the denser amalgamations of protons, having then the full extent of twelve levels or scales of Existence: the Seven Rays of Attribute and Aspect plus the Five Densities, the fundamental categories, or stages of growth in a dynamic infinite eternal now, as shown in the final diagram.[4]
This description of a perceived Grand Synthesis may seem excessively enthusiastic, but is offered in seriousness if also with a bit of compensatory humor as with a disappearing jester’s bemused smile as an additive or alternative, not only to fear—both practical and metaphysical—but as mock mystical hyperbole that one encounters or is inclined to use to express the famously ineffable “oceanic feelings” when imagining or experiencing amazing visions … such as how such fantastically large numbers like 10113 as encountered in Haramein’s calculations (the energy density or Holographic Mass of the Planck Spherical Units) or the vast expanses of the universe traversed by neutrinos traveling across it in times that are reciprocals of such similarly large numbers, but at last the great breakthrough solution for a Unified Physics appears to have arrived: a genuine Quantum Astrophysics, as well as that of the lingering problem of the Orders of Infinity in Transfinite Mathematics, which has also been presented in a comprehensive new way that is seen here as very convincing, if not fully on its face, then after following its course through the presentations for a bit … as the likely the beginning of the fabled new golden era that will ‘someday’ reverberate for the rest of this century 21 and beyond.
Not “merely” the vacuum inside Edison’s tungsten light bulb, but who knows what is really going on in that evacuated space anyway? ↑
Was our fledgling universe initially a seed proton that escaped from an existing universe and inflated into a new growth universe in the multiverse scheme? ↑
Traversable Wormhole Teleportation Protocol ( ↑
The notion of “Rays,” which are lines of unbounded length, has been used in the teaching of the somewhat mysterious Djwahl Khul, “The Tibetan,” in the teachings on the Seven Rays presented by Alice A. Bailey. It was our dear Hilarion who subtly suggested that there are five more of them below the first seven to complete the full duo-decimal inventory, and it was the great Pleiadian Jshwsh Ptaah who suggested the understanding of Dark Matter as the Love of God and Dark Energy as the Will of God. After this the “laws of physics” (mathematical equations) easily emerge as the Mind of God. ↑