This is a new menu category that may be of interest to anyone not familiar with or interested in investigating the longer book-length works that are excerpted or summarized on other menu tabs here. This first ‘UFO/AP report’ called “Cloud Climber Overhead” was very exciting for me since it was the same Pleiadian starship I photographed over Telluride, CO a couple of years ago at much greater distance than this first *daytime overflight* of my house (!) by an obvious spacecraft. The full report will be in the J&T TC 153 if it ever gets transcripted and published. I hope to go back and find some of the other sightings and photos of other notable UFO/AP encounters–the slight humor here is that our sightings are not really “unidentified” because we can always ask our “exotic visitor” contactee friends in conference who or what it was we saw (!). Sometimes it’s a surprise and sometimes it’s them (like in Cloud Climber Overhead) with a little surprise of their own.
Month: October 2024
“Cloud Climber” Overhead
An unusual UAP Report Confirmed
by Ted Denmark
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It was during the hot part of an afternoon the first week in October, 2024, the hottest year on record in many places, and the only year I can remember when it was still in the mid-nineties after the Fall Equinox here in the Central Sierra … when a rather unusual event occurred. I was downstairs poking around the refrigerator for another glass of iced tea as I began to hear a ruckus outside caused by the local pair of ravens flying around the house, coming close to the windows; this had never really happened before. I stopped and wondered what was going on—they usually fly high and away when they have to go past the house from their nesting area at least a hundred yards to the north.
So, I went outside, and there they were, looking a bit frantic and coursing erratically in spirals just above the house. This naturally caused me to momentarily squint and look up to see if they were being pursued by the golden eagles who claim sky sovereignty in the area, something that also had not happened for some time. It was strange enough, but then I happened to notice something else up in the sky towards the northwest It was moving very fast, like a military jet, I thought, since such flights headed east from the coast are seen from time to time. But whatever this was had no vapor trail and didn’t seem very high; so, I waited and stared for another few seconds, thinking I would hear the shock wave of the jet exhaust momentarily as it continued to track rapidly across the sky from west to east on a slight diagonal towards the house.
I waited and listened intently, continuing to stare at what I was witnessing, trying to evaluate what I was clearly seeing as it appeared to get closer and possibly slightly lower in its trajectory. It was very unusual looking, first because I could not detect any features—like wings or tail empennage of any kind—which can sometimes be seen even on the high-flying military jets as they go by, spraying their ‘chem-trails.” But there would no time to get binoculars. It was merely a whitish-looking oval shape with a very bright spot towards the top left, appearing like a reflection from the Sun. I stared and wondered, still awaiting the expected sonic report, but it did not come.
I was beginning to wonder what to do since this object was moving fast and would soon be obscured by the upper story of the house from my position on the first-floor south side deck. Then the local family of four or five golden eagles (I didn’t take time to look for them all and count) suddenly appeared from over the ridge to the west and began flying around in an exaggerated way as a distraction as I continued to stare intently at the moving bogey. I felt fairly sure it could not be a military jet, because I now began to perceive a kind off faint aura around it that made it look like it was glowing. Still no sound, getting closer to the edge of the roof.
I panicked a bit as I tried to decide whether I should run under the deck to the other side of the house to be able to continue following it because it would be gone in only a few more seconds from the viewpoint where I was standing. I feared it would be gone by the time I got over past the parked trucks and out in the driveway clearing, so I finally stayed put and took one last careful look. It did appear oval-shaped and the bright spot was emanating from a solar reflection towards the top rear as would be expected from its position and the aura did appear to be more enhanced as it reached its closest location that I would probably get to see.
It’s hard to estimate how high it was or how far away since its size was unknown and was generally so featureless, but it had a very unusual look of a kind I had never seen before, even though I had seen a number of very unusual … what would now be called UAPs … in the sky over the course of my lifetime. It was probably at least a couple thousand feet in elevation and as much as a mile away. This phenomenon had an almost ‘heavenly’ look, like it was cocooned in its own little cloud moving along with it. Several of the other UFOs I had seen in earlier times were like glowing reddish patches in the sky, moving together in triangular formation—or holographic white eagle images in the sky that turned into actual flying saucers. So, the eagles were a kind of momentary flashback to those (two) times, but the big birds were only part of the background today.
It suddenly dawned on me that the only thing I had ever seen like this appeared in a photograph I took a few years ago of the snow-capped Rocky Mountains while traveling near Telluride, Colorado, and though I didn’t notice it at the time, this turned out to be a faint but distinct UFO that was later identified in our J&T Telepresence Conference dialogues as the Pleiadian starship called Cloud Climber. It was a discoid spacecraft that we had dramatically visited before in one of my wife Julie’s telepathic sessions that we have pioneered and written about extensively, which ship was also crewed by two of our very special contactee friends, Rhi and Phindar, whom we have known for almost fifteen years. We had been told the Cloud Climber is a mid-sized Pleiadian starship of about a hundred feet in diameter, which operates with a regular crew of about a dozen people. Julie had seen the Cloud Climber once before several years ago too, but then also only briefly.
Of course, these are extraordinary claims for anyone to be making in a ‘UAP experiencer’s’ report. For most sightings by individuals, what usually transpires is a very brief encounter or flash of light or something similar—if not more like imagination or ‘remote viewing’ rather than as an actual physical presence. However, today’s circumstance lasted long enough and seemed undeniably physical, certainly to me, if not necessarily to anyone else who might have been a casual witness. But this situation has come to mean even more now in the follow-up period than at the time of sighting since I do have the good fortune as an ongoing contactee along with my wife Julie—also a contactee—to be able to make inquiry via her psychic abilities with our group of “exotic visitors” to find out what this unusual sighting really was. Through our unusual situation, to put it mildly, they do have the advanced technologies to check back on our situation and analyze such unusual circumstances like this. And yes, it was actually them flying over my house during daytime, dropping their invisibility cloaking briefly for the first time. This was revealed in our next ‘Telepresence Conference 135’ held the same week, as Julie said, “They (Rhi and Phindar) smiled broadly and offered a salute …” which she thought was very amusing. Amusing, indeed!
As I have since reflected on these events of the week, having now had another very enticing and revealing physical experience with them, even if at some distance, when so many of my and our contact experiences with them have seemingly bordered on the imaginary or paranormal—or being given through “psychic channel” Julie’s extraordinary telepathic ability—notwithstanding the unusual and often charming experiences with our local birds, which our “exotic visitors” often use as intermediaries (they are still not allowed by their rules of engagement to make direct physical contact or communication with us).
But this was a very real confirmation of our amazing long-term and still ongoing contactee experiment, from the time they rousted me out of the house with the Ravens, which was yet another part of this small sideshow to uniquely confirm their physical existence to me from out of the blue … up to the time they were so greatly amused to show us it was indeed them (!) who came calling … because they happened to be in the area checking on some of the latest military developments in this region of California.
Dowd’s Hill at Avery, CA
Oct. 7, 2024
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