Book Cover for new book completion:

Revisioning Astrology:

A New Look at an Old Squeaky Wheel

By Ted Denmark

After the usual longish set of a few new ideas, flashbacks, and rewrites, the final stage of preparation for this new book has finally arrived: getting the covers done for a dual ebook and color paperback publication. This one has taken a couple of decades from start to finish with plenty of twists and turns to reach completion, at least for as much as I intend to package up for the present sense of a project ready for sharing.

It’s a fairly ‘far out’ book, as I usually say, since it’s about astrology as the “foreground focus” and Astro-Meta-Psychology as the “background focus.” The astrology part is rife with astrology concepts and vocabulary, making it most suitable for intermediate students of the starry art—but also possibly valuable for anyone seriously interested in becoming one. The psychology part is an attempt to make the esoteric psychology background of ‘wisdom teaching’ orientation available as the natural context for understanding the astrology initiative thus being offered (new ‘Power Ray’ house system, planets, sign rulers, take on Precession, gender issues, etc.).

The third supportive subject area is that of Nassim Haramein’s new paradigm physics called ‘Unified Physics’, which has been such an exciting breakthrough as a ‘grand unification theory’ at the fundamental levels for all contemporary scientific investigations, particularly for those concerned with formulating a new ‘science of consciousness.’

The featured presentation for the astrology section is first the idea of a new kind of ‘soul entry time’ astrology chart to complement the traditional ‘first breath time’ chart as an update on the ‘esoteric astrology’ of Alice A. Bailey and the main initial inspiration for the book itself, that of the ‘astrologer’s astrologer,’ Hilarion and his dear companion Athena. Secondly, there is a summation of the research done on two new bodies in (and near) our solar system, called here Athena and Astraea. The former is seen as the real “Planet 9” being searched for in the local space around our inner solar system, and the latter is the brown dwarf proto-star in the near vicinity of our solar system, which, together with Athena, is responsible for the gravitational coupling that results in the Precession of the Equinoxes,” a really important phenomenon for both scientific as well as astrological/ psychological and historical/ cultural understanding.

The psychology part is a fairly modest presentation for what should be a far more expanded subject area but is offered as a preliminary context or version of the ‘perennial philosophy’ or ‘wisdom teaching tradition’ in which the astrology can be placed. Of course, there are many schools and traditions.

The Haramein Unified Physics is a particularly striking “paradigm shift” (or spin as I call it) that is also reaching its culmination as a brilliant new take of the world (universe) of fundamental physics. An attempt is made to interpret this new Quantum-Astrophysics as a way of understanding the true fundamentals of astrology as a “science of the spirit’ along the way.

It’s a fairly demanding big book that attempts to pull together advanced materials on the cultural forefront of the current era (spiritual astrology, Astro-Meta-Psychology, New Age of Aquarius, UFO/ET Disclosure, my role as a Pleiadian hybrid contactee) … and much more. Much of it is believed to be unique new material that is quite original in concept and thus challenging—but also quite satisfying–to consider for anyone on the cultural cutting edge at the quarter mark of Century 21.

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