UFO/AP Reports

This is a new menu category that may be of interest to anyone not familiar with or interested in investigating the longer book-length works that are excerpted or summarized on other menu tabs here. This first ‘UFO/AP report’ called “Cloud Climber Overhead” was very exciting for me since it was the same Pleiadian starship I photographed over Telluride, CO a couple of years ago at much greater distance than this first *daytime overflight* of my house (!) by an obvious spacecraft. The full report will be in the J&T TC 153 if it ever gets transcripted and published. I hope to go back and find some of the other sightings and photos of other notable UFO/AP encounters–the slight humor here is that our sightings are not really “unidentified” because we can always ask our “exotic visitor” contactee friends in conference who or what it was we saw (!). Sometimes it’s a surprise and sometimes it’s them (like in Cloud Climber Overhead) with a little surprise of their own.

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